- Do you own a smart, or would you ever buy one? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the smart? In which countries do you think small cars are most successful? Do you think small cars will become more popular in the future? Why, or why not?
- MTE AUGUST 13,3015 INSTRUCTIONS UNIVERSITY ITY OF NAIROBI MODULE II DEGREE (NAIROBI DAY) AFF PROGRAMME 201422915 COMMERCE DF1701 TERSONAL PTNANCE Anempt all questions, clearly showing any working. (ii) What factors uffect your cash inflows and outflows? Explain. (12 Marks) (i) Describe the process of creating a personal budget. (c) Name, briefly define and give examples of three classifications of usets in a parsonal balance shee (1) Marks) QUESTIONTWO (ii) Uring appoprate examples distinguish between depositiony and mon-depository institutions (16 Marks) (B) Inconsidering investments with different degrees of risk what factors will influence an invesor's decisions? . (5 Micks) What is a risk-free rate?Give an example of n investigent with wrist-frice rais. (4 Marks) Page 1 of 2 TIME: 2.00 p.M. -4.09 P.M. (4 Marks) QUESTIONTIMER (a) What information must boreowers supply to len tersis the loses septication.process Why is this information important to ienders? (6 Mules (b) How does collatecal work? (4) Mont (c) What is a home equity Jann? Describe how a home equity own works (5 Marks (d) What are the steps in buying a car?What financial criveri Discuss exch brisily. (10 Marks) OUTSTION FOUR (a) What is term insurance?What factors determine the What Is decreasing terms insurance? (13 Marka) (b) Describe the badget method of determining the unound of the insus showing all the elements to be considered (12) More
- 1 Identify and discuss five types of entrel reneurship (5 marks) 2. Discuss five cultural factors that affect entrepreneurial development (5 marks) 3. Discuss five importance of business pla nning in an enterprise (5 marks) 4. Give five importance of entrepreneursh ip in economic growth (5 marks) 5 Governments all over the world get involved in entrepreneurial activities. Identify the role of government in entrepreneuri l activities. (5 marks) 6. Identify and discuss five barriers of creativity and innovation at the work place (5 marks)
- QUESTION ONE (30 MARKS) a) Explain the meaning of clustering as used in entrepreneurship (2 mks) b) Mr John started a grocery business. Within a very short period the business failed. State four reason why John business failed at the nascent stage of development (4mks) c) Maina is one of the successful entrepreneur in Kiambu County.Outline four trait of Maina as a successful entrepreneur (4mks) d) Highlight four managerial functions of an enterprenuer in any business enterprise( 4mks) (4) Explain the features of the economic theory of Entrepreneurship (4mks) f) Mwangi started a hardware business in Nyahururu Towship. Discuss four factors he considered to start this enterprise (4mks) 2. You are empolyed by Safaricom company as corporate entrepreneur and tasked to generate a business idea Explain the structured approach you will use to achieve this objective (4mks) (4) Highlight four factors an entrepreneur considers when evaluating a business idea ( 4mks) QUESTIONTWO (20 MARKS) a) Using relevant examples.discuss FIVE environmental factors that positively influence the growth of entrepreneurship in Kenya V (10 mks) b) Research has established that women engaged in business are less likely to default on their loan that men but few are entreprenuers. Discuss FIVE challenges faced by women entreprenues (10 mks) QUESTION THREE (20 MARKS) a) Kamau is a successful entreprenuer in Nakuru Discuss FIVE resources required for running a sucessful business enterpise (10 mks) b) Discuss in FIVE ways, the importance of informal sector to the growth of economy in Kenya (10 mks) The QUESTION FOUR (20 MARKS) a) Discuss FIVE characteristic of informal sector training (10 mks) b) Discuss FIVE reasons for high rate of unemployment in Kenya (10 mks)
- Question One a) Explain how resources are allocated in a free market system. b) Differentiate between private costs and social costs. c) Explain measures that can be adopted by the government to encourage innovations amid fear of externalities. [6 Marks] d) There are 10 ,000 identical individuals in the market for commodity X, each with a demand function given by Qd_(x)=12-2P_(x) , and 1000 identical producers of commodity X,each with a function given by Qs_(x)=20P_(x) i.Find the market demand function and the market supply function for commodity X. [2 Marks] ii.Find the market demand schedule and market supply schedule of commodity X and from them find the equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity. [4 Marks] iii.Plot, on one set of axes, the market demand curve and the market supply curve for commodity X and show the equilibrium point. [4 Marks] [5 Marks] [4 Marks)
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