- Répondez aux questions suivantes 1. Déterminez la notion d'un cycle économique c les raisons d 'apparition. 2. Citez les phases principales (on a 4) du cycl économique . Tracez la courbe du cycl économique et précisez chaque phase. 3. Caractérisez la phase de la crise. 4. Caractérisez la phase de la récession (ou l dépression).
- 6) The American economist Milton Friedman was well -known for his views on government. Read the extracts from "Free to Choose"by M. Friedman and say what his opinion of the activities of the US government? Milton Friedman was the twentieth century's most prominent advocate of free markets In 1976 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in economics for "his achievements in the field of consumption analysis, monetary history and theory, and for his demonstration of the complexity of stabilization policy." he argued that state licensing procedures limited entry into the medical profession allowing doctors to charge higher fees than they would be able to do if competition were more open. Among other things he suggested among other things, a volunteer army, freely floating exchange rates, abolition of licensing of doctors, a negative income tax and education vouchers. The Role of Government Though the United States has not adopted central economic planning, we have gone very far in the past 50 years in expanding the role of government in the economy . That intervention has been costly in economic terms The limitations imposed on our economic freedom threaten to bring two centuries of economic progress to an end Intervention has also been costly in political terms. It has greatly limited our human freedom. An essential part of economic freedom is freedom to choose how to use our income: how much to spend on ourselves and on what items; how much to save and in what form; how much to give away and to whom. Currently, more than 40% of our income is disposed of on our behalf by government at federal,state and local levels combined. As consumers, we are not even free to choose how to spend that part of our income that is left after taxes. Our physician is not free to prescribe many drugs for us that he may regard as the most effective for our ailments, even though the drugs may be widely available abroad. We are not free to buy an automobile without seat belts. Another essential part of economic freedom is freedom to use the resources we possess in accordance with our own values - freedom to enter any occupation, do so on a strictly voluntary basis and do not resort to force in order to coerce others. Today you are not free to offer your services as a lawyer,a physician, a dentist, a plumber , a barber, a mortician, or engage in a host of other occupations, without first getting a permit or license from a government official. You are not free to work overtime at terms mutually agreeable to you and your employer, unless the terms conform to rules and regulations laid down by a government official. You are not free to set up a bank,go into the taxicab business, or the business of selling electricity or telephone service, or running a railroad bus line, or airline , without first receiving permission from a government official. Although these examples only scratch the surface, they illustrate the fundamental proposition that freedom is one whole, that anything that reduces freedom in one part of our lives is likely to affect freedom in the other parts. Freedom cannot be absolute .We do live in an interdependent society. Some restrictions on our freedom are necessary to avoid other ,still worse, restrictions. However,we have gone far beyond that point. The urgent need today is to eliminate restrictions, not add to them. 7. Answer the following questions according to the text. 1. What does Friedman think are the consequences of increased government intervention in the economy? 2. In which paragraph does he criticize taxation? 3. What does he say about medical and road safety legislation? 4. What is the only restriction he believes to be necessary regarding professional occupations, business and trade? 5. What is his objection to the law regarding labour contracts? 8. Find a word or phrase in the text that has a similar meaning. 1) to be or to create an obstacle; 2) to establish or apply as compulsory; 3) to force to act or think in a certain way by use of pressure threats, or intimidation; 4)of high price or value; 5) to investigate or treat something superficially; 6) a person who repairs sewage; 7)on the part of
- 6. Look at the beginnings and endings from various reports. Match the introductions with the conclusion and say: who each of these reports are written by. who the reports are written for. what the purpose of each report is. what each of them concludes and/or recommends what type each report is. INTRODUCTIONS CONCLUSIONS 1. The purpose of this report is A. To sum up , it is apparent to analyse the results of a sur- that radical changes are nec- vey, conducted at the request of essary in the company'; use Family Foods pic, to gauge pub- of colours and fabrics. Fur- lic response to the company's thermore, I would recom- proposed new range of packaged mend introducing a sports- foods.The report summarises 3 wear line in the immediate replies to questionnaires com- future. pleted by 400 families, classified according to income, who sam- pled the new products on 26th and 27th September. 1. As requested by the Board of B. In conclusion, it is obvious Designers,this report examines that the Starcar is prefer- information gathered from ob- able, being better value for servations made at the Miriam money, better equipped and Hasawell and Adrian Banks more reliable. It is therefore spring collection shows viewed recommended that Ace Taxis in Paris on 5th February and InC. supplement its fleet Milan on 9th February. with Starcars. 2. This report contains the sug. gested plans for opening a small shopping centre in the Kingston area. As requested by the bank, client should reduce the re- whose financial support is re - tail price of the new products quired, the proposed size , number of shops and potential income of the centre are considered. C. On the basis of the points mentioned above, we strongly recommend that the in order to make them at. tractive to a wider sector of the consumer market. sioned by Ace Taxis InC. to as- although the initial outlay sess the suitability of the Star- for the centre is relatively car and the Sarabande for use high, the future financial in the Ace taxi fleet. Both mod- benefits will be considerable. els were rigorously tested and In addition, the opening of examined by expert mechanics such a shopping centre and automotive consultants.would be a definite asset to The research data has been con- the community. solidated and the relevant in. formation appears below. 4.This is the report commis- D.It is felt, therefore, that
- 11.12.2024,11:07 Question 1 Not yet answered Marked out of 30.00 Consider the following pure exchange economy with two consumers and two goods, I and y Consumer's utility functions are given by u_(1)(x,y)=min 2x,y and u_(2)(x,y)=(x+y-1)^2+sqrt (10) Suppose that the initial endowments of Consumer 1 and Consumer 2 satisfy omega _(1)+omega _(2)=(2,2) Instructions: If you answer is not an integer,round your answer to 2 decimal places (for example, 1/3 is 0.33,1/2 is 0.5 and 2/3 is 0.67). __ First suppose that the initial endowments of Consumer 1 and Consumer 2 are omega _(1)=(1,1) and omega _(2)=(1,1) Normalize prices in this economy such that p_(x)=pgeqslant 0 and p_(y)=1 For each p below.calculate demands of both consumers for both goods and identify whether the resulting profile constitutes a Walrasian equilibrium. for p=1/2 x_(1): y_(1):square x_(2):square y_(2): square Is it a WE equilibrium? Yes No for p=2 x_(1): y_(1):square x_(2):square y_(2): square Is it a WE equilibrium? Yes No Pure Exchange Economy
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