- The activity of coordinating shared attention and identification. Administrating Entrepreneuringis Producing Integrating
- In economics , what is the term used to describe a table that shows the quantity of a good that buyers are willing and able to purchase at various prices? Price schedule Supply schedule Demand schedule
- What relates to manager resources? Human Informational Financial Physical All options are correct
- Which of the following is NOT one of the management roles identified by Henry Mintzberg? Interpersonal role Informationa role Negotiating role Decisional role
- is worth less than the shs. 1,000 you gave him (because it buys less). Your investment,although nominally returned, has lost value: you have your Shs. 1,000 back, but you can't do as much with it; it is less useful at the moment. If the value of currency-the units in which wealth is measured and stored-is unstable.then investment returns are harder to predict. In those circumstances, investment involves more risk. Both inflation and deflation are currency instabilities that are troublesome for an economy and also for the financial planning process. An unstable currency affects the value or purchasing power of income. Price changes affect consumption decisions, and changes in currency value affect investing decisions. It is human nature to assume that things will stay the same , but financial planning must include the assumption that over a lifetime you will encounter and endure economic cycles You should try to anticipate the risks of an economic downturn and the possible loss of wage income and/or investment income. At the same time, you should not assume or rely on the windfalls of an economic expansion. 1.4 EXERCISES 1. Identify and describe your current life stage. How does your current age or life stage affect your financial thinking and behavior?To what extent and in what ways does your financial thinking anticipate your next stage of life? What financial goals are you aware of that you have set? How are your current experiences informing your financial planning for the future? 2. How does the micro factors, such as your present family structure, health , career choices, and other individual factors affect your financial planning? 3. Identify the macroeconomic factors that are influencing your financial thinking and behavior today. What are some specific examples? How have large-scale economicchanges or cycles, such as the global economic recession of 2008-2009 affected your financial planning and decision making? 4. How does the health of the economy affect your financial health? How healthy is the Kenyan economy right now?On what measures do you base your judgments?How will your appreciation of the big picture help you in planning for your future? 5. How do business cycles and the health of the economy affect the value of your labor?In terms of supply and demand, what are the optimal conditions in which to sell your labor? How might further education increase your mobility in the labor market (the value ofyour labor)? Brainstorm on the effective personal financial strategies for: (a) protecting against recession, (b) hedging against inflation, (c) mitigating the effects of deflation,
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