- Répondez aux questions suivantes 1. Déterminez la macroécon omie est son objet d'étude? 2. Quel est l'objectif de comptabilité nationale ? 3. Déterminez le rôle du SCN. 4. Déterminez la définition de l'indicateur économique << le produit intérieur brut >> ?
- This structure of the enterprise includes production units , various general plant services, and farms, organizations for enterprise management,and employee service, including those related to cultural and social services: If If I a. The organizational structure of management b. Functional structure c. The general structure d. The production structure
- The task of the enterprise IS NOT: a. creation of jobs for the population; b. receiving income (profit); c. damage to the environment d. providing the personnel of the enterprise with wages;
- The main functions of an enterprise does not include: it's 15: a. sale and delivery of goods to consumers; b. creation of jobs for the population c. production of products: d. payment of taxes and payments to social funds
- Principles of course of business: a. Bringing in on a voluntary basis , of resources ,necessary for establishment and expansion of such activity b. Free use of profit, which stopped behind after payment of state payments c. Free choice of types of activity and Independent realization of all economic businesses d. All above mentioned
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