- 1.B KakoM rozy y CCCP nonBMIOCI arommoe opyiklle? 1) 1945r, 2) 1949r , 3) 1950r, 4)1951r 2. Ha3oBirre ro/1b CCCP 1) 1945-1950rr 2) 1950-1954rr 3) 1946-1950rr 4) 1950-1955rr 3.XX che3x KTICC cocrosurest B 1) 1955r, 2) 1956r , 3) 1957r, 4) 1958r 4. JIIN BHYTPenner kypca M. TopóaveBa 6b.110 xapakrepHo 1) ykperuteHH aBTOpHTeT CTATHHEKHX KazipoB 2)KarlpoB 3) ycunente nosHunh CHIOBbIX 4)ycHJeHH HeHTpa/IbHOã BHaCTH Ha MecTax 5. 4To H3 xapakrepHo 1018 JKOHOMHYeCKOH xH3HH CCCP 2 no1 XX Beka? 1) peanH3amus IUIaHa <cycKopeHHS COIIHaJIbHO-9KOHOMHYeCKOTO pa3BHTHSD 2) pa3pa6oTKa IIpozzoBo/TbCTBeHH0 ' nporpaMMbI 3)HHBeCTHIHH B XKHJHIIIHOe CTPOHTEMBCTBO 4) npeBpameHH KOJIXO3OB B COBXO3El 6. JIuzepoM Kakoil #B.THeTen B.B a) <JJeMoKpaTHYeckas Poccuar 6) B) JIJIIIP r) (46 noko) 7. Hommeanne OKOHYaHHH BOHHbD) Mexily Poccueñ H CIIIA npoH30III.10 1) 1992r. 2) 1993r. 3) 1994r. 4) 1995r. pesy.IbTaTOM HTHUecKoro Kypea PoccHH B 2000-2008rr 1) npekparmeHHe 2) CHHXKeHHe yrpo3bl reppopH3Ma 3) ycurleHHe BMHSHHA POCCHH B A3HH H AMepHKe 4) npekpameHH HextenbHOCTH BOCHHbIX 6710KOB p03)) - 3T0 co6bITHS CBST3aHHbIe c: 1) Co6bITHSMH B ApMeHHH 2) Co65ITH3MH B Tpy3HH 3) Co65ITHSTMH B MoJIIaBHH
- You are given a History assignment on the study of Roman empires You would like the results to include Marcus Aurelus, one of the Roman emperors. You type in Please select at least two options Roman emperors intext marcus aurelius Roman emperors intitlemarcus aurelius Roman emperors sitemarcusourellus Roman emperors-marcus aurelius
- 12. What act did the British Parliament pass in 1921? 13. How many years did the Big Four operate most the trains in Great Britain? 14. Did the rail companies stop their operation during World War II? 15. As you know . British Railways was formed on January 1 ,1948. Was it a state - owned company or a private one? 16. When did British Railways begin to introduce diesel and electric trains to replace steam trains? 17. Why were a lot of railway tracks and stations closed across Great Britain in the 1960 s? 18. What facts have you leant about the Intercity125 train from the presentation? 19. As you know Railtrack was created in 1994. What was it responsible for? 20. What is the Channel Tunnel? When was it opened to traffic?What trains does it carry? 21. What do you know about Network Rail? 22. What is a motto of Network Rall?
- 22 View the Power Point presentation "History of Rail Transport : Railvolution 1. Why is the presentation called "Railvolution in Great Britain" in your opinion? 2. What is Richard Trevithick famous for? 3. Which locomotive was originally used to pull passenger carriages on the Oystermouth Railway? 4. How many wheels did the Salamanca have? 5. Was the Salamanca immediate success because it was a rack locomotive? 6. September 27 ,1825 is a significant date in Britain's railway history. Do you know why? 7. What can you say about the Rocket? 8. Was Invicta designed for hauling passenger or freight trains? 9. What have you learnt about Isambard Kingdom Brunel from the presentation? 10. In which city was the first electric railway opened for traffic? Whom was it designed by? 11. Have you attentively listened to the audio recording (Slide 15)? If so , it won't be difficult for you to mark the following statements as TRUE . FALSE, or NOT STATED. A. The London Underground was the first underground railway to operate electric trains. B. The use of electric traction started in 1892. C. The City and South London line was the first to use steam power. D. There was a uniform fare of two pence for any journey on the 3-mile (5-km) line. E. Passengers were carried from ground level to the platforms by using steam- driven lifts. F. The original trains had just three carriages while modern ones have seven or eight. G. The passengers in the early trains had no chance to see the inside of the tunnel. H. In each carriage there was a man who called out the names of the stations and opened doors for the passèngers. 1. The trains could only carry 96 people. WATCH in Great Britain ". Then discuss the following questions.
- 14. Task with choosing several answers from the proposed ones (multiple choice) You are given a History assignment on the study of Roman empires You would like the results to include Marcus Aureleus, one of the Roman emperors You type in Please select at least two options Roman emperors intert marcus suells: Roman emperors intitle marcus aurelus Roman emparons stemacusauelus Roman emperors maicus aurelus
Помощь с домашним заданием по истории
История – предмет, который одним интересен, а другим скучен. В то время как некоторые студенты в восторге от различных событий, сражений и ярких личностей прошлого, другим очень трудно запомнить хронологию сражений, имена влиятельных лидеров и обширную информацию, которую предлагает предмет.
К счастью, благодаря этим вопросам и ответам по истории вам легко вспомнить некоторые важные события и точное время, когда они произошли. Не волнуйтесь слишком сильно, даже если от имен этих ключевых людей у вас закружится голова. В нашей справке по домашним заданиям по истории есть функция ассоциации искусственного интеллекта, которая свяжет их с некоторыми интересными историями, чтобы помочь вам лучше их запомнить.