- Jack Smithers, the famous British secret agent, was 1) on holiday in Scotland when he got a message. "Some terrorists are sending guns from America to Africa 2) ship. Your job is to stop them." Jack decided to go to the airport 3) __ helicopter and not 4) __ his car. He was 5) Glasgow airport, sitting 6) a chair waiting for his flight to New York, when he saw one of the terrorists . It was clear that the terrorists had a different plan , and wanted to carry the guns 7) plane. Jack had to do something fast or the people 8) the plane would be 9) __ danger. The plane was full of people going 10) summer holiday. What could he do?
- Hayka __ in upparmon xoo HO3HaHua mup Ha JM unpurcecon morr MATHYECKOM nokware mere crioco pa, ocir mar ICMATHYCC CILCTEC 2. Kakoh Merou noilyuenna 3Hallua xapak repusosan ammunyro Harypon jrocoduro? A) akchepument: Mepenue; B) Donurt: II) 3.How e ccreers y3HaHua B COB DEMCHHOM CIC HOHAMaHNA.kakoh A) XV-XVI BB nepuo Bpemenu 66 Jia crajins ucull CTHUCCKOC ecrect Bo3H aunen b) koner xIX-kone U X X BB B) XVII - Konell XIX BB T) B komue XXB a npermero M ecrecrposuanna? A) IIpupojia; upuportor; B) reopun 5. OcHOBHOI inpuillun ecree rBo3HaHu 4 DIaCHT: A HCTHHOÁ B Hayke : llpu3uaeres TO norreepxuaerca reope THUCCKHM Moka3arejib TBO; b) HCTHHOR B Hayke TO koropoe Bocupo 43BOJIHMLIM OIILITOM; B HCTHHOK B Hay Ke ripusuaerca TO HOJIOXKEH me, koropoe 6. Karon ornocurica verove A) Habinonesses repense B)Manus, D Okener muchs. 7.Ha kakou mane cran woman nponexous vacanable sizes recreases A) Harypon socorbur eecree reconsaguer B) CAN Tec TECZNanze: Dur 8. Kak Ha3M Hayussoro acrossine koropor nexers oftennise areverros? A) curres: b) Cpaenemue B) anasus. 9.Kar Mero up Koropou nepouroc yuessoro tips Dace morpenur exia, Hà Mpyroz, Mence usy ennus. Ho cxoxuh Kaknu-10 cymecree CROKCTRAM? b) Kuaceno xanyas B) anasorua. 10.Kar pesynbrar Herrocpe selection c pearlbHo CTERO B WIM SKCN repuiseme? A)3HaHua; b) reoper yecrue Merous
- Tect Ha TeMy xpucruaHCKHX npa3/IHHKOB Bonpoc 1 u3 8: Yro 0603Havaer rony6oi IIBeT B IIpaBOCHaBHbIX o6JIayeHusix? A. IIpa3/IHHKH , nocBqulleHHble BoroMarepn B. Co6bITHA H3 XH3HH XpHCTa C. IloBcezHeBHbIM IIBeT Bonpoc 2 H3 8: Korzla npa3/IHyeTCs braroBeilleHHe? A. 3a 9 MecaueB no Hacxu B. 3a 9 Mecsuer : 110 PoxkllecTBa C. 3a 40 JHei Ho KpellleHHA Bonpoc 3 H38: B KaKOM Beke BriepBble ripa3/HHK PoxzlecTBa IlpecBsTroñ boropozulubl ynoMHHaeTCA B TIpe/JaHHH HepKBH? A. B VI B. Bo II C. B V Bonpoc 4 u38: KpecT He Bcerzla 6bUI TIaBHbIM XPHCTHaHCKHM CHMBOJIOM. 4TO HCHOJIb30BaJIOCb B CHMBOJIHKe JO aroro? A. To Jy6b B. Pblóa C. KpojIHK Bonpoc 5 u38: B ripaBocnaBHOR TPaZIHUHH POXZIeCTBO ABJISTETCA HaH60,Iee 3Ha4HMblM ripa3JIHHKOM HOCIIC __ Hocue Kakoro npa3/IHHKa? A. Tponua B. Hacxa C. KpellleHHe Bonpoc 6 H3 8: Bropoe Ha3BaHHe IIpa3/IHHKa KpellieHne? A. borosiBJeHHe B. Kpentenne TocrozaHe C. Bo3HeceHue
- Name __ A conflict between Great Britain and France in 1754-1763 is called the (1) __ War. A great gold rush started in (2) __ (year). A group of colonists known as the (3) __ came to North America on the famous ship the Mayflower and founded (4) __ A representative's and senator's terms are (5) __ and (6) __ years. America was named after 7 __ a nobleman from Florence. An annual celebration of African American culture from December er 26 to January 1 is called (8) __ Boston was founded in 1630 by (9) __ By 1733 English settlers had occupied (10) __ (number) colonies along the Atlantic coast. Christopher Columbus discovered the New World in (11) __ (year) by landing on the islands of the Caribbear Sea, which he called the West (12) __ In 1609 the Dutch sent Henry (14) __ to explore the river which today bears his name. Every president except (13) __ lived in the White House. In 1625 a Dutch colony called (15) __ was established on Manhattan Island. In the 11th century (16) __ , a Viking raider, discovered North America, calling the territory (17) __ Inaugurations of president and vice-president are held in front of (18) __ . Labour Day is observed in the United States on the first (19) __ of __ New York got its name after (20) __ (name of the king),the Duke of York. Over the past 240 years (21) __ amendments to the Constitution have been adopted. Silicon Valley is located to t the south of (22) __ (city). The (23) __ serves the natural border between the USA and Mexico. The (24) __ is the supreme legislative organ. The (25) __ River flows at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. The "Boston Tea Party"happened in (26) __ (year). The 11 states that left the Union proclaimed themselves an independent nation -the (27) __ States of America. The American Constitution was adopted in (28) __ (year) The area between the Rockies and the Pacific Mountain System is called the (29) __ Plateaus. The biggest of the Great Lakes is Lake (30) __ The capital of the USA was founded in (31) __ (year). The city of Washington,DC, was built on the banks of the (32) __ and (33) __ rivers. The Civil War started in (34) __ (year) when (35) __ was President. The Declaration of Independence was signed on __ (date) in (37) __ (city) The first permanent English colony of (38) __ was established in (39) __ (year) The first ten amendments to the Constitution are called the (40) __ The highest peak of the USA is Mount (41) __ and of the contiguous USA Mount (42) __ The hottest desert in the USA is the (43) __ Desert. The last state to join the USA in 1960 was (44) __ The presidential term of 4 years begins on (45) __ (date). The presiding officer of the Senate is the (46) __ s) from each state. The Senate is composed of (47) __ (number) representative(s) The smallest state of the USA by territory is (48) __ The USA has two major political parties -the (49) __ and the (50) __ Two acts were issued by the Parliament of Great Britain to raise taxes: (51) __ Act in 1764 and (52) __ Act in 1765. /ashington, DC, was designed by Pierre (53) __ What war brought freedom to the first American colonies? (54) __
- II3 Kakoro npou3BeneHus CTPOKH? 1. A cyllbH KTO? -3a JIPEBHOCTHFO JIeT K cB060zH0Ủ XH3HH HX Bpax)(a HellpHMHpHMa, CyxzzeHbs yepnaror H33a6bITbIx ra3eT BpeMeH O'qakoBCKHX H nokopeHbs KpblMa. __ 2. Moãi 19114 camblx YeCTHbIX npaBHJI, Korlla He B IIIYTKY 3aHeMor, OH yBa>KaTb ce6a 3acTaBHJI H nyume BbllyMarb He Mor... __ 3. Pa3 B KpemeHCKHH Beyepok JeByIIIKH ra/TaJH: 3a Bopora 6auma4OK, CH4B C HOTH, Ôpocamm.. __ 4. IleuaJIbHbIU JlemoH , Ayx H3THaHbSI, Jlera.I Hazi rpelllHOIO 3emJe{, II JIy4IIIHX AHei BOCTIOMHHaHbS IIpez HHM TeCHHJHCA TOJIIIOğ... __ 5. IloczezHHN neHb nepez PoxpectBoM ripomen 3HMH88, acHaa HO4b HacTyIIIIIIa. IJISIHYJIH 3Be3/1bl. __
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История – предмет, который одним интересен, а другим скучен. В то время как некоторые студенты в восторге от различных событий, сражений и ярких личностей прошлого, другим очень трудно запомнить хронологию сражений, имена влиятельных лидеров и обширную информацию, которую предлагает предмет.
К счастью, благодаря этим вопросам и ответам по истории вам легко вспомнить некоторые важные события и точное время, когда они произошли. Не волнуйтесь слишком сильно, даже если от имен этих ключевых людей у вас закружится голова. В нашей справке по домашним заданиям по истории есть функция ассоциации искусственного интеллекта, которая свяжет их с некоторыми интересными историями, чтобы помочь вам лучше их запомнить.