- Modern trends of Protestantism - Anabaptism and Baptism - arose in the XVI-XVII centuries in Switzerland. Select one answer: Faithfully Incorrectly
- Date of the introduction of the Patriarchate in Russia (de facto + dejure) D 1589 1590 1601 1593
- Kakobbi 6binu saMirenume HTOTH BHeulHeN nonMTHK AnekcaHApa III? 1. O6ocmpenue n opevui c Tepmanueit OCTOPOXKHOCT b,H36eraTb BOMH . A.TekcaHzpa III Brionne o A.tekcaHpa III 6b.111 xapakrepHbl crep xaHH OCTb, Ha3biBa.III MIxporBoptien : B nepHor ero npanzemma Poccust He Bena BOZH . OAHaKO MHPOJIHOOHE III OTHOJE HE CHHMazOO Tex IIpOG,IeM, KOTOpble BO3HHK- JIH B KOHILE HapCTBOBAHH a ero ripenmecrBeH Huka, Azekcarrpa II. Hamporws , OHN B emẽ 60.mbme% cremeru 060CTPHJHCb. CraHOBH ZOCE BCE SCHee, Wro Tepmanny Koropyio B PoccHH IIDHBbIKJIH CUHTATE CBOHM CaMbIM HazēXKHbM COIO3HHKOM B EBpore (Tak ake, kak paHbllle IIpyccHro) 6ykBaJbH O Hà TJIa3ax ripeBparranacb B onacreñtmero npormBHHKa . Herro B TOM, YTO, O6'beAHH MBIIHCb, Tepmanus (c 1871 r. CTaJIa Ha3blBaTbox TepManckoif HM- nepuet) #BJI ana co6oử rocynap CTBO C MOTHHOH H OVEMS Oblerpo passuBaromelics 3KOHOMHKOH. Oxa cpasy Havazia 6opb6y 3a pacimperite cBoero B.THE HHA B MHpe. Bckope urrepecti HHTepecamu PoccHH. Tepmanus 65tCTpo Hallina ceóe BepHoro COIO3HHKa - ABCTPO -BeHrpHIO, Tpa- Poccuru na Bankanax. B 1882 r. TepManua II ABCTPO- Berpusi, K KOTOPBIM IIpHCOeXHH HJaCb Mra.THx, 3aK.TIO Ha3BaHHe Tpoüc coio3a. IIpaBIIa , HOHaYaJIy 3TOT HOTOBOP HMeII He aHTHpOCCHYCRYTO, a aHTHCppaHLyaCKy10 HampaB.TeHHOCTb. OrHaKO ABCTPO-BeHrpHH IIPHBezto Takike H K HX COBMECTH bIM LIeN- CTBHAM Ha BaukaHax , OTKyTa OHH B paBHON CTeTIeHH XOTeMM HOTeCHHT b POCCHIO. BcnomHute, yem OKOHMMnacb pyccko-Typeukan BOKHa 1877-1878rr Kak eE HTOTH nosnwanu Ha nonomethe CnaBsHCKHX Hapopos OcMaHCKOM HMnepun? Ha BarrkaHax maBHbIM IIPOTHBHHKOB POCCHH raphs, rze nocure 6bLI H35paH A.texcariôp Bammeroepe - MOTIOLION HeMellKnil cympyru A.tekcaHJpa II , yuacTHHK pyc- CKO-TyperIKo& BOWHb!- Yepes Hero pyccroe IIPaBHTe IIbCTBO 60.Trapekylo nomwrwicy . Ozmako Barrenóepr SKe BpeMil JterKOMbIC IIOCKOJIbKy >Ke OH CUHTAJICA pycCKHM CTABLIEHHHKOM, 110206HOE IIPeCTHIK POCCHH B ruasax 60.Jrap. B 1886 r. B Borrapun nponsomer repeBopor, B peayubrare koroporo HapêM CTaJI pepounano Kobypa BHeIIIHOIO H BHYTPEH- HIOIO HOJIHTHKY Bostrapun mirrepecam TepMaHHH H ABCTPO Benrpun. Hozo6Hoe pas- BHTHe COOLITHE 3HaMeHOBaJIC ecroe rropaxxenne Poceum peako ocra6HB Bamkanax. -Colo3 rpëx HMHeparopoB OROHYATE.IIbHO pactiazies. Conepunyecrso Mexiny Poccueit it Tepmanmeil Ha BaJkaHax yeyry6.118.JIOC5 pa3- ropaBIIIMHCA BCE CHUIbHee 3KOHOMHUECK
- A. Railways are not a modern ! __ as most of us think. The idea of transporting things and people on rails has been around for a long time. Rails were made of wood, stone or metal, and railway wagons were __ some were even __ and had sails. At the start of the Industrial Revolution in Britain, people needed to transport raw materials such as coal, so created a __ of canals and rail links between towns. But canals and horsepower were a very slow way 5 __ around the country, so the speed of railway wagons needed to be increased. C. By 1829, locomotives were travelling at speeds of over 45 km/h and 11 __ had been opened, the Stockton and Darlington Railway. The most famous early locomotive was The Rocket. In 1833, it won a competition organised by the owners of the Manchester and Liverpool railway to find the best locomotive for their new line Unfortunately, during the competition, a Member of Parliament wasn't careful as he B. By 1800, many industries were using __ designed by James Watt (from where we get the electrical measurement -Watt). Richard Trevithick, a Cornish engineer refined Watts' __ and after failing to build a steam powered road vehicle, he^8 __ the first locomotive for an Iron Works in Wales. He called it a "Puffer" because of " __ and on its first journey it travelled at almost 8 km/h an hour!Unfortunately, it was so heavy that it " __ It only made three journeys. But it had shown that steam engines could be used to move trains, and speeds began to increase. D. The next 130 years can be described as a 14 __ Railways were built all over the world, and the size,speed, and comfort of trains 15 __ By 1870, it was possible to cross America by train, and the building of railways in many other countries " __ people and progress to move quickly across the world. There were famous trains and famous journeys. The Orient Express started in 1883 12 __ and The Rocket knocked him down. He died later. This was one of " __ in history. E. Although it is still possible to 19 __ ,and take the Orient Express from Paris to Vienna, steam trains such as the Mallard or Flying Scotsman, have not travelled regularly for almost 30 years in many countries." __ or trains running on electrified lines now run on most railways. Modern trains are cleaner and much faster than steam engines but many people still miss the puffing sound and the romance of steam. __ F. Quite a few countries now use high-speed trains. The famous Bullet Train in Japan and the TGV in France can both carry passengers at speeds of over 300km/h. 21 __ are now much shorter, and trains can travel on some unusual routes: up hills through mountains, even under the sea.Eurotunnel was opened in 1994. It connects Britain to France through 22 __ and carried people in luxury through more than 13 countries between France and Turkey. The Flying Scotsman travelled non- stop from London to Edinburgh, between 1928 and 1963, and ". __ The Trans- Siberian railway was finished in 1916, and is still the longest railway line in the world. It goes between St. Petersburg and Vladivostok, is over 9,000 km long and even today 18 __ The fastest steam train in the world was The Mallard. This locomotive travelled up and down the east coast of England between London and York, and in 1938 reached 202 km/h. G. 23 __ could be in Maglev trains. These trains are supported by electro-magnets and hover off the ground Some countries are already using this technology in cities, and others are planning to __ At the moment, they can go more than 500km/h but some engineers think is __ - some even think they could be used to launch space shuttles! Trains have come a long way since Richard Trevithick's Puffer 2.25 1. Railways are a recent invention. a) True b) False c) Not stated 2. Rails were always made of metal. a) True b) False c) I have no idea. 3.Who invented the first steam engine for trains? a) James Watt b) Richard Trevithick 4.The Rocket first travelled on the __ c) George Stephenson a) Stockton and Darlington Railway b) Manchester and Liverpool Railway c) Eurotunnel Choose the correct answer to each of questions about the text above.
- 2.25 Choose the correct answer to each of questions about the text above. 1. Railways are a recent invention. a) True b) False c) Not stated 2. Rails were always made of metal. a) True b) False c) I have no idea. 3. Who invented the first steam engine for trains? a) James Watt b) Richard Trevithick c) George Stephenson 4. The Rocket first travelled on the __ a) Stockton and Darlington Railway b) Manchester and Liverpool Railway c) Eurotunnel 5. The Orient Express was __ a) a railway running Paris and Vienna b) the fastest steam train in the world c) a European train service for rich people 6. How many times did The Flying Scotsman stop (for passengers), between London and Edinburgh? a) 0 b) 2 C) 5 7. Was all of the Trans-Siberian railway open 100 years ago? a) Yes, of course. b) No, it wasn't. c) It is still the longest railway in the world. 8. Which country uses the TGV? a) France b) Germany c) Japan 9. Which two countries does Eurotunne I connect? a) Britain and Wales b) France and Italy c) Britain and France 10. Maglev trains can now travel at 500 mph. a) True b) False c) It depends.
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История – предмет, который одним интересен, а другим скучен. В то время как некоторые студенты в восторге от различных событий, сражений и ярких личностей прошлого, другим очень трудно запомнить хронологию сражений, имена влиятельных лидеров и обширную информацию, которую предлагает предмет.
К счастью, благодаря этим вопросам и ответам по истории вам легко вспомнить некоторые важные события и точное время, когда они произошли. Не волнуйтесь слишком сильно, даже если от имен этих ключевых людей у вас закружится голова. В нашей справке по домашним заданиям по истории есть функция ассоциации искусственного интеллекта, которая свяжет их с некоторыми интересными историями, чтобы помочь вам лучше их запомнить.