- 7.B np exesrax KaKoú H3 reppuropni HarrooJIee Bepost THb CHJIbHbIe 3emJre TPSICCHM a? A) Xpe 6TbI 3a6aǐKaj lbg paBHHHa b) nJaro IlyropaHa B) KoJIbcKHI HOJIYOCTPOF T) BocTOTHO-Espone&CKas
- 16. One of Napoleon'greatest achievements was his revision and collection of French law into __ A). legends B). debates C). codes D). books 17 __ is wrong with my mobile because I can't hear you. countries A). Something B). Someone C). Anything D). Nothing 18. In all societies.relations between people are __ by prescriptive laws. A). targeted B). regulated C) dedicated D). intended 19. The English word "law" refers to limits upon various forms of __ A). mood B). behavior C). emotional state D). thoughts and ideas 20. This isn't my English textbook. __ is at home. A). my B). mine C). mine book D). mine textbook 21. Which of the below was NOT a part of the Magna Carta? A). The protection of church rights. B). The right for each free man to vote for king C). No new taxes without the agreement of the barons. D). Protection from illegal imprisonment. 22. There are different organizations today which base their beliefs on the Druids' __ A). physical exercises B). emotional conditions C). fairy tales D). religious practices 23. Alfred the Great saved __ from the Danish conquest. A). France B). Denmark C). England D). Italy
- AuckoHTupoBaHne - 3TO Bbl6epuTe OHuH OTBeT: a. onpeneneHue Tekyluen CTOUMOCTV 6yRyunx HeHeXHbIX cpencTB; b. onpeneneHue 6yHyuen CTOUMOCTM ceroflHALIHuX (neHer; C. onpeneneHue KpuTnueckon CTaBKH npoueHTOB. d. yueT unconaunu
- AucKoHTupoBaHN e- 910 Bbl6epnte onuH oTBeT: a. onpenenetue Tekyulen CTOMMOCTH 6ynyunx HeHeXHbIX cpenctB; b. onpeneneHue 6yayuen CTOUMOCTH newer, C. onpeneneHue KpuTu4ecKon CTaBKH npoueHTOB. d. yuer uncpnaunn
- 24. __ most of has life in Crusades in the Hotly Land. AI John Lackland B). Richard I the Lion -Heart the Great D). Edwand the Confersor 25. One of Napoleon's greatest achievements was his revision and collection of French law into __ A). legends B). debates C). codes D). books 26. __ is one of the gratest systems of law that has ever existed. A). Hebrew Law B). Greek Law C). Roman Law D). Anglo-Saxon Law 27. The Magna Carta Libertata __ the prerogative of the Crown or government. A). limited B). strengthened extended D), increase 28. Which of the below was NOT a part of the Magna Carta? A). The protection of church rights. B). The right for each free man to vote for king. C). No new taxes without the agreement of the barons. D). Protection from illegal imprisonment. 29. The Druids were __ men and their ways of worshipping their gods were the same. A). merry B). young C). merey D). cruel 30. Solon was the famous __ lawgiver who provided a new code of law. A), Hebrew B). Roman C). Anglo-Saxon D). Greek
Помощь с домашним заданием по истории
История – предмет, который одним интересен, а другим скучен. В то время как некоторые студенты в восторге от различных событий, сражений и ярких личностей прошлого, другим очень трудно запомнить хронологию сражений, имена влиятельных лидеров и обширную информацию, которую предлагает предмет.
К счастью, благодаря этим вопросам и ответам по истории вам легко вспомнить некоторые важные события и точное время, когда они произошли. Не волнуйтесь слишком сильно, даже если от имен этих ключевых людей у вас закружится голова. В нашей справке по домашним заданиям по истории есть функция ассоциации искусственного интеллекта, которая свяжет их с некоторыми интересными историями, чтобы помочь вам лучше их запомнить.