- Konue 1980-x22.65 A) JeMoxparriveckive penomount Bocrowwoii Esponsi noGeanum B pesymbrare BoopyxeHHOTO BOCCTAHHR: Bocrounoit Enponbl newoxpartirseckne BOCCTAHIII 6e3 Boopyikemoii 6op55bi yHM9TO:KEHHEM mozeil 5) Mexchywapodwble 40% npouseoocmea u 60% esponeñcsoro Coloza; (THK) B) MexxzywapoaHsif Bankothisal poun (MBPhi ) pekonerpykumu H pasamar (MEPP) 6). C HMenem Kakoro , yckopHBmeil MOZEPHIESALIHO 3KOHOMHKH: A) P. Peirana B) B . KuHHTOHA b) A. KeuHeam D P. Hukcona
- 25. Russie sous le règne de Nicolas ler. l'espace de l'état russe. 26. Développement socio -économique de la Russie dans la première moitié du XIXe siècle. bouleversement. 27. Les pays de l'ouest, de l'est et de l'Empire russe dans la première moitié du XIXe siècle: politique étrangère aspect. 28. Les> grandes réformes "d'Alexandrell en tant que projet de modernisation Réforme paysanne de 1861: causes, étapes de préparation , conséquences. 29. Le mouvement social et politique de la Russie dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle: les conservateurs, libéraux, révolutionnaires. 30. Développement socio -économique de la Russie dans la seconde moitié du coup d'état industriel. XIX B. Achèvement
- 1. Answer the following questions to the text. 1. Why do people build houses? 2. What were the first houses made of? 3. Where was clay mostly used? 4. Did the houses made of clay stand the test of time? 5. Who discovered that stone was a good building material? 6. What were the characteristic features of the architecture of ancient Greece? 7. Did Ancient Greece influence the architecture of other countries and epochs? 8. What famous monuments of Roman architecture still exist? 9. Did ancient cultures have their own architectural styles? 10. Did archaeologists find new monuments of ancient architecture even in the 20th century? 11. Is modern architecture different from ancient buildings? 12. Can we classify buildings of each epoch into two categories? 13. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the buildings made of prefabricated blocks?
- Mark all the correct statements about the beginning revolutions in England. (Be careful:points are counted only if all the correct answers are selected!) C At the beginning of the English Revolution, a law was passed according to which parliament was to be convened no more than once every three years The English Revolution continued 20 years London supported Parliament in the fight against the king The English Revolution began during the reign of James I. The Long Parliament was convened by king Charles I.
- 3aòanue 6.Hepeuucnume u3Becmllble GaM npou36eoenus noomoe u nucamezeii emopoü nonoeunbl XIX 6 A) M.E. CalITbIKOB -IIlezipHH b) H.A . HexpacoB B) H. C. JIeCKOB T) H.D . YepHbIIIIeBCKHH 3aòanue 7.Ilpouumatime JokyMeum u omeembme na sonpocbl Ha muesma H. E Pemuna H. H. Kpamexomy.1874 r. __ 4 Menosex 60-x rogos, orcrantiall venoeex, Ang Mema eule we yMep- In ugeans Torons, benuncxoro Typrewesa, Toncroro. __ Bcemu CBOM- B npaspe: oxpykavouga xxx3xb MPNB C7MUKOM BONYET, He paier nokos. CâMã npocMrCR Hà XONCT; COBBCT6ND Bblumbartb y30pbi -npenocraBMM 310 Gnarosocnwrammual Gabbilithmw. MCXyccrse Bapasazor orw cross? B Kakux kaprunax M . E. Pemux maur6oxee apko 3aoanue 8 IIpouumatime ompbt60K u3 mpyòa ucmopuka II.H.Mumokoea . Bcma6bme,nponyuentble bamunuo u unuuquaTbl KOMnO3I Omeembme na sonpocbl CaMbiM Aonro BeuHblM h okasance __ HO Apy ITUM HaM ekyuk cro-... __ nonro OCTa Banc - CaMOYMKOR. Overto CKODO . OAHaKO on ne perua in CBOM X TOB apm uea . Han ncae CHMPOHMO (1865) -nepByio pyC. CKY1O cu apor mm o. m Meeti ycne x y nybnuku __ 3a c new c Heo6 ibma GHOO obler nocno AOBa m c paay Take e kpy lible Be uan.ak m y3bik anbHa A Kapruna -C azxo - 11866), eropan cm apor was AHTa p. (1868)n. Hak omeu, yon an onepa flcxo BMTS KQ: (1868-1871) <...> Paboroc noco 6HOCTE - HB TO UlbKO cpean uner OB yukn", n ncaa UNK My3bky He Toponscb, Mexty Aenom, iii y __ 6bina cosepuentio HCKI 10. 4nten bHag __ "Mañickan HOYb" (1878)Herypo4ka (1880), Hanwcamman B HBCXOIIbKO MeCHUBB, ...O3Na MeHOBan n ero no- BODOT B Cropony HapozHoro necermoro kynbra. -Crupho npM3HaTbCA, 3aBw oBan", - nucan o -Cherypowken Mañikoscknii. KaKOM Rpyxkke WhEn perb B nokymenre?
Помощь с домашним заданием по истории
История – предмет, который одним интересен, а другим скучен. В то время как некоторые студенты в восторге от различных событий, сражений и ярких личностей прошлого, другим очень трудно запомнить хронологию сражений, имена влиятельных лидеров и обширную информацию, которую предлагает предмет.
К счастью, благодаря этим вопросам и ответам по истории вам легко вспомнить некоторые важные события и точное время, когда они произошли. Не волнуйтесь слишком сильно, даже если от имен этих ключевых людей у вас закружится голова. В нашей справке по домашним заданиям по истории есть функция ассоциации искусственного интеллекта, которая свяжет их с некоторыми интересными историями, чтобы помочь вам лучше их запомнить.