- B yem 3aknio4aerca nepBblu war COCTaBneHus ypaBHeHua no ycnoBMIO 3apaun? Pa36epure peueHue 3agayu B TeKCTe paHHOTO nyhkra n orBerbre Ha Bonpocbl: a) Kakan BenuunHa o603Ha4eHa 6ykBon x? 6) Kakoe BblpaxeHue O3Ha4aeT BO3pacT 6nu3HeHOB B 2010 r? Kakoe BblpaxeHue O3Ha4aeT BO3pact,Koroporo Aocturnu B 2012 r. Mnagune 6nu3He- ubl? crapume 6nu3Heubl? B) 3anuuure BblpaxeHue,O3Ha4aloulee CyMMapHblu BO3paCT 6nu3HeLLOB B 2012 r. 4emy paBHa CyMMa? r) 4TO B COOTBeTCTBMM C ycnoBuem 3apa4n O3Ha4aer HanneHHoe 3Ha4eHue x? nposepbre OTBeT 3apa4M BbluncnuB BO3pacT Kaxpon napbl 6nv3He40B B 2012 CyMMapHbIU BO3paCT.
- B YêM 3akmouaerce nepBbin war cocraBneHus ypaBHeHua no ycnoBMIO 3apaun? Pasbepure pewertue 3anayu B Texcre parthoro nykra n orgerbre Ha Bonpocbl: a) Kakas BenuMMa obo3HayeHa 6yxBon x? 6) Kakoe BbipaxeHMe O3Hayaer Bo3pact 6nv3He408 8 2010 r? Kakoe BbipaxeHue Bo3pact, Koroporo Aocturnu 8 2012 r. Mnanume 6nviste. ubi? crapuine B) 3anuumre BbipaxeHue,o3Ha4aloulee CyMMapHblin Bo3pact 6nv3He408 82012 r 4emy paBHa CyMMa? r) 4ro 8 cooreercreun c ycnoBMem 3apaun O3Hayaer HavizeHHOE 3Ha4eHue x? nposepbre nu HaineH orBer BbMMCNMB BO3pacT kaxnon napbi 6nw3He408 82012 r u ux cymmapHbli Bo3paCT.
- 1) When was bookcrossing created? 2)Who began the practice of bookcros sing? 3)What is bookc rossing? 4)W hat is the aim of bookcros sing .com? 5) Who can be a me mber of bookcrossin g.com? 6)What do the members of the site do? 2) Read this review to learn about book crossing . Answer the following questions while reading the review.(reading for specific information) Love Your Books?Then Set Them Free! Review by nick yturnill -written on 09 .03.06 Rating:xxxx (5 of 5 possible stars) In Se ptember 2005 I read a review about book crossing. I was very inte rest ed and joined immediately I am an activ e me mber of boo kci cossing.com.a free online book club .Boo kcrossing site was created in Apri 12001 by Ror Hornbaker and since ther it has grown into a global movement.Bookcrossing has already entered the Oxford Eng lish Dic tionary where it is defined as practic of leaving a boo kin a public place to be pick ed up an read bvot hers.who then do the same." The term is originated from the websi te bookcross- ing.com which bega n and encouraged the practice. Book cr ossing..com's aim is to "make the whole world a library." On the sit e 500 .000 members from different countries of the world share books and discuss them . About 4 million books hav e been regis tered on the site now. It makes it very un likelv that you wo n't find what you
- Select the challenges of humanity that relate to civilizational ones Select one or more answers: a. The level of strategic planning and normative consolidation of the image of the future of Russia b. The trend of the world economic center moving to Asia. c. The trend of ending the period of unipolarity d. Ensuring the sovereignty of Russia - the development of the Russian Federation as a strong, independent and indivisible country
- 2 Write a short story about the Patriotic War of 1812 Russia and France (10-12 sentences).
Помощь с домашним заданием по истории
История – предмет, который одним интересен, а другим скучен. В то время как некоторые студенты в восторге от различных событий, сражений и ярких личностей прошлого, другим очень трудно запомнить хронологию сражений, имена влиятельных лидеров и обширную информацию, которую предлагает предмет.
К счастью, благодаря этим вопросам и ответам по истории вам легко вспомнить некоторые важные события и точное время, когда они произошли. Не волнуйтесь слишком сильно, даже если от имен этих ключевых людей у вас закружится голова. В нашей справке по домашним заданиям по истории есть функция ассоциации искусственного интеллекта, которая свяжет их с некоторыми интересными историями, чтобы помочь вам лучше их запомнить.