- What profession does not use the principles of deontology? Doctor Social worker Psychologist Teacher Programmer
- 22. YCTaHOBM COOTBeTCTBMe MexAy nperioxeH u Ha3BaHuAMM 1306pa3nTenbHO -Bblpa3utenb HbIX cpencTB #3bIKa , KoTopble ynoTpe6neHbI B Hux: K Kark Hon nosnunn nepBoro CTO/164a nogbepu BeTCTBYYOLHY BTOporo CTO/164a. ITPELLIOXEHUS N3O5PA3MTEIIbHO- BblPA3MTEMbHblE CPERCTBA 93blKA 1) aHTuTe3a A) M B Tuxon pagocTu , Kak myTHMK cpenb necKOB, 2) 3nupopa TpenecTHbIM 4BeTOM nro6oBanca. 3) cpaBHeHue (K. H. EaTHOLIKOB) 4) onullerBopeHue 5) Haula cuna - npaBAa, Balua - naBpbM 3BOHbI. 5) MeTOHMMMA 6) nutoTa (B. B. MasKOBCKMY) 7) CuHOHuMbl B) 5pocun beper,6bêTCA C 6ypeủ. 8) annutepauns (K. B. 5anbMoHT) I) Ha COTHM BêpCT , Hã COTHM MMNb, Ha COTHU KHIOMeTPOB 9) napuennaung Hexana conb, ulymen KOBbl/lb, 4epHena poula KeRpoB. (A. A. AxMaTOBa) A) 11 Tbl OT LUënOTa KayHēLIbCR. VI BbITIp AMULUbCR. V Ha4HēLUbC9. (P. VI . PoxpecTBeHCKHY)
- 7. GUILTY OF THE CRIME IS THE PERSON WHO COMMITTED THE ACT: 1) intentionally; 2) by negligence; 3) deliberately or through negligence; 4) there is no correct answer; 8. IF THE PERSON WAS AWARE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF PUBLIC DANGEROUS CON SEQUENCES OF ITS ACTIONS (INACTION). BUT WITHOUT SUFFICIENT REASONS, IELFELY COUNTED TO PREVENT THESE 1) by frivolity; 2) through negligence; 3) intentionally; 4) by mistake; 9. THE PATIENT HAS EXPERIENCED SUFFERING , RECEIVED INJURY , SPENT AN EXCESSIVE AMOUNT OF STRENGTH AND TIME, THIS IS HARMFUL: 1) property; 2) moral; 3) physical; 4) medical error; 10. THE DOCTOR'S RIGHT TO FALSE TO A HOPELESS PATIENT CANNOT BE MORAL , FOR THE REASON OF EXISTENCE: 1) the legal provision on informed consent; 2) the moral commandment "do not bear false witness"; 3) a variety of psycho -emotional characteristics of a person; 4) the above;
- 80.4 Read this short story,then write down your response to the questions below based on your knowledge of the law in your own country. Two fifteen-year -old boys broke into a house in the middle of the day when the owner was out,and took money and jewellery worth about £900. The owner reported the crime to the police when she returned home at 6 p.m. 1 Will the police investigate this crime? 2 How will they investigate?What will they do? 3 Do you think the police will catch the two boys? 4 If they do . what crime will they be charged with? 5 Can the boys be sent to prison? 6 What do you think the sentence would be?Do you think this is the correct senren Compare your answers with the answer key (based on the situation in the United Ki If possible discuss your answers with someone else.
- WHAT IS THE BA SIS FO R THE EN IERGE NCE, CHANGE AND T ERMIN ATION OF E NT RELA TIONSI -IIPS Legal composition Employme nt contract Legal fact Administrat ive act
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