- IN THE EV ENT OF INVALID ITY OF THE TRAN SACT ION, EACH P ARTY is obliged to return to the other party all received under the transaction is obliged to return to the other all received under the transaction is not obliged to return to the other party everything received under the transaction is obliged to return to the other party 50% of the amount received under the transaction
- 4 . Material responsibility of the employee and the employer (for what it can be) 5. The procedure for dealing with individual labor disputes (write just by steps) 6. The procedure for considering collective labor disputes (write just by steps) Problem A senior nurse in the pulmonology department refused for two months in a row to undergo , a periodic medical examination and provided certificates of satisfactory health from other medical institutions in the city The nurse was initially reprimanded and then deprived of her annual performance bonus by facility orders for her refusal to comply with medical examination requirements Eight days after the last reprimand , the nurse was fired. Questions to the Problem: 1. Is the administration's action in declaring a reprimand lawful? 2. Are there grounds for dismissal? 3. Write an algorithm of actions to be taken by the institution's administration in this case.
- Problem 1 A nurse at City Hospital 8 submitted an application to resign at her own request . After working for two weeks, she asked the head doctor to give her paycheck and employment record book .But he refused to do so, referring to the fact that no replacement had yet been found for her and asked her to work for another month The questions for the problem are: 1. What should the nurse do? 2. What laws and regulations establish the right to protect the violated labor rights of employees? 3. Could the doctor in charge fire the nurse on the day she filed her petition? Problem2 An employee wrote a resignation letter two weeks in advance. At the end of the week, he broke his leg and was given a three -week sick leave. The questions for the problem are: What is the deadline for the dismissal?
- Problem Citizen N . sold a car owned by him on the right of personal property. The following month, he was declared incapacitat ed due to a mental illness . Relatives of N., considering I the transaction invalid (since the car was sold cheaply) filed a lawsuit in court. Questions for the task: 1. What decision must the court make in accordanc e with civil law? 2. What is the procedure and grounds for recognizing a citizen as incompetent? 3. What is the procedure for issuing a statement of claim?
- 1.what is justice as a theory 2.what is justice as a system (political cultural social) 3.what is the history of "justice", how does the theoretical concept arise 4.In your opinion , what is justice in medicine? How does it help you make decisions? 5.What problems arise with the application of the theory of justice in practice and in life? 6. Try to analyze authoritarian comm unication between doctor and patient from the point of view of justice theory
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