- LEGAL AND ETHICAL RESPONSIBILITY OF RESEARCHERS IS Select one: to help patients to die if they suffer a lot from a disease to cure patients from fatal and severe diseases to terminate experiments, which are likely to cause disability, death, deterioration of health to finish the study according to the
- LEGAL AND ETHICAL RESPONSIBILITY OF RESEARCHERS IS Select one: to help patients to die if they suffer a lot from a disease to terminate experiments, which are likely to cause disability, death, deterioration of health to cure patients from fatal and severe diseases to finish the study according to the plan
- on 6 red out of on Time left 0:23 Which of the following statements are true? (Choose any number of options) Select one or more: a. Outsourcing of police services to a private company is not a good idea, because a private police force would use excessive brutality to deter crime while cutting on its manpower b. Oiftsourcing of police services to a private company is not a good idea, because police performance targets are difficult to quantify and make a part of contract c. Outsourcing of police services to a private company is not a good idea, since private firms are inappropriate for public service delivery d Outsourcing of police services to a private company is a good idea because a private police force would be more innovative and cost-cutting
- Negligence is a legal rule alternative to strict liability. According to this rule, if a firm has caused damage, the court establishes (with 100% accuracy), whether the firm had taken precautionary measures, and if so no legal sanctions woul;"lensue; otherwise the firm would be found negligent and a fine would be imposed Which of the following statements are true? (Choose any number of options) Select one or more a. To produce 1st best, negligence rule requires higher fines than strict liability b. Strict liability rule is easier to administer than negligence
- 4. José estava em trânsito no mercado Estrela Vermelha. E porque havia muito congestionamento Paulo, famoso comerciante ambulante, decidiu colocar no carro de José guarda-lama que , segundo ele protegeriam o carro de José. José, por seu turno limitou-se a olhar e foi-se embora. Dias depois, Paulo interpôs um processo no tribunal judicial da cidade de Maputo alegando que José está não está a pagar o dinheiro em divida,na sequência das benfeitorias realizadas na sua viatura. Quid juris. (3. Valores). a) Diga e explica a tipologia de benfeitorias realizadas pelo Paulo. (3.0 valores)
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Помощник по выполнению домашних заданий по юриспруденции — это помощник по правовым вопросам, основанный на искусственном интеллекте, основанный на OpenAI API и базе данных pgvector, который может помочь пользователям быстро запрашивать и понимать законы и правила штатов США и крупных стран мира. Стоит помочь простым людям лучше понять и применять закон, повысить юридическую грамотность.