- b) Le diplôme national du brevet Le diplôme national du brevet (DNB'évalue les connaissances et les compétences acquis (1) __ .Le DNB atteste la maitrise du socle commun et sanctionne ia formation au teri du collège. Il ne conditionne pas l'accès (2) __ en fin de troisième: les deux décisions , attribut du diplôme et orientation , sont dissociées. Les candidats élèves des classes de troisième des établissements publics privés sous contrat sont inscrits (3) __ .Les autres candidats , scolaires ou adult (4) __ au brevet doivent se faire inscrire auprès du service départemental de l'éducation nationa (5) __ le diplôme national du brevet comporte deux séries : la série générale et série professionnelle . Elles remplacent les trois séries précédentes : collège , technologique professionnelle. Quatre éléments sont pris en compte pour (6) __ : la mañtrise du socle commun de connaissan et de compétences , attestée par le << Livret personnel de compétence s > ; les notes obten à l'examen du brevet composé d'une épreuve orale d'histoire des arts et de trois épreuves écrite français , mathématiques , histoire -géographie -éducation civique ; les notes de contrôle conti effectué (7) __ en classe de troisième, dans toutes les disciplines (sauf histoire -géograph éducation civique) et la note de vie scolaire. Pour les candidats de la série générale, sont également pris en compte les po (8) __ sur 20 obtenus dans l'enseic nement optionnel facultatif: latin , grec, langue vivante régior ou langue des signes française , ou option découverte professionnell e 3 heures. Pour être déclarés admis , les candidats doivent obtenir une moyenne générale au m (9) _sur 20 pour l'ensemble des résultats chiffrés. __ Des mentions sont attribuées : mention Assez bien >pour une moyenne comprise el 12 et 14 sur 20 ; mention Bien > pour une moyenne comprise entre 14 et 16 sur 20;men <<Très bien >>pour une moyenne au-de là de 16 sur 20 . Les élèves déjà boursiers sur critères soci (10) __ <<Bien>> ou <<Très bien >>peuvent se voir accorder une bourse au mérite complément: a) qui obtiennent une mention b) tout au long de l'année c) qui désirent se présenter d) l'obtention du diplôme e) à la fin du collège f) supérieurs à la moyenne de 10 g) égale à 10 i) dans une école supérieure h) à compter de la session 2013 k) à une classe supérieure par l'intermédiaire des chefs d'établissemer
- (a) Explain the following: (i) party to a contract; (ii) invitation to tender; (iii) breach of contract.
- 9. Criminal law includes: a) Criminal Code of the Russian Federation; b) criminal legislation is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation and generally recognized principles and norms of international law; c) the Code of the Russian Federation of administrative offenses; d) Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation. 10. Crimes include: a) murder; b) theft; c) petty hooliganism (disorderly conduct); d) petty theft. 11. The current criminal legislation of the Russian Federation consists of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation adopted in __ . a) 2020; b) 2006; c) 2000; d) 1996. 12. Features of crime: a) social danger; b) unlawfulness; c)culpability; d) punishability 13. Agree or disagree with the proposal: <Culpability is recognition of an action committed intentionally or negligently as a crime>>. a) yes b) no 14. Compulsory work, corrective labor, restriction in military service, forced labor, arrest, service in a disciplinary military unit, __ __ , capital . punishment are imposed only as basic penalties. a) imprisonment for a certain term, b) lifelong imprisonment, c) deprivation of a special, military or honorary title, class rank and state awards. 15. Agree or disagree with the proposal: dn Russia there is a moratorium on capital punishment (death penalty)> a) yes b) no 16. __ is a combination of legal rules established by the state that determine criminality and punishability of socially dangerous actions, provide ground and principles for criminal liability, purposes, types and punishment system,procedure of their imposition, conditions of relief from criminal liability and from serving punishment. a) Administrative law b) Criminal law c) Civil law d) Constitutional law 17. Agree or disagree with the proposal: "The method of criminal legal regulation is imperative prohibitive and consists in establishing features of criminal acts and their punishability>> a) yes b) no
- 18. Agree or disagree with the proposal: <The system of criminal law includes four parts>. a) yes b) no 19. Agree or disagree with the proposal: &Criminal law regulates social relations arising in the course of implementation of criminal liability in connection with commission of an administrative offence and its punishment>> a) yes b) no 20. The Special part of Criminal law: a) contains rules defining objectives and principles of criminal law; b) specifies the scope and content of criminal liability with reference to corpus delicti of each crime; c) defines specific crimes and penalties for their commission; d) fixes grounds of criminal liability and relief from it; e) defines concept of crime, guilt, sanity, insanity,stages of crime, complicity,prescription, circumstances excluding criminality of action, and others. 21. Agree or disagree with the proposal: "Crime is a socially act, committed with guilt and prohibited by the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative offences under threat of punishment> a) yes b) no 22. The Latin axiom:"There is no crime or punishment without any indication in the lawn reveals the essence of the concept of: a) social danger; b) unlawfulness; c)culpability; d) punishability with the proposal: "Social danger of the crime means that the act causes or threatens to cause damage to relationships protected by the Criminal Code>. a) yes b) no 24. According to the article 15 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation the classification of crimes includes: a) crimes of little gravity; b) crimes of average gravity; c) grave crimes; d) especially grave crimes. 25. Agree or disagree with the proposal: "Crimes of little gravity are punishable by up to 3 years of imprisonment> a) yes b) no
- 26. Determine the category of the crime according to the classification of crimes Article 115 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. <dntentional Infliction of Light Injury Intentional infliction of light injury which has caused temporary damage of health or an insignificant stable loss of general capacity for work, shall be punishable by a fine of up to forty thousand rubles or in the amount of the convicted person's salary or other income for a period of up to three months , or by compulsory labor for up to four hundred and eighty hours, or corrective labor for up to one year, or arrest for up to four months>>. a) crimes of little gravity; b) crimes of average gravity; c) grave crimes; d) especially grave crimes. 27. Determine the category of the crime according to the classification of crimes Article 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. <Battery Battery or the commission of similar violent actions.which have caused physical pain but not involved the consequences referred to in Article 115 of this Code, shall be punishable by compulsory labor for up to three hundred and sixty hours, or corrective labor for up to one year, or restriction of liberty for up to two years, or forced labor for up to two years, or arrest for up to six months,or imprisonment for up to two years). a) crimes of little gravity; b) crimes of average gravity; c) grave crimes; d) especially grave crimes. 28. Determine the category of the crime according to the classification of crimes Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. 1. Murder, that is intentional infliction of death on another person, shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of six to fifteen years with or without restriction of liberty for a term of up to two years). a) crimes of little gravity; b) crimes of average gravity; c) grave crimes; d) especially grave crimes. 29. Agree or disagree with the proposal: << The basic corpus delicti contains features not increasing and not reducing the degree of social danger of a crime. The qualified corpus delicti includes features increasing the degree of social danger of an act>> a) yes b) no
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