- Способы толкования права Прилsp Спосо6 толкования & Характеристика Языковой (грамматический) & Логический & Систематический & Исторический & Функциональный & Телеологический (целевой) & Специально-юридический &
- 1. The issuance of disability sheets is carried out upon presentation of: 1) identification document; 2) insurance policy; 3) driver's license: 4) birth certificates. 2. The issuance and renewal of the disability certificate is carried out by the medical worker after: 1) examination of a citizen; 2) recording data on the state of health in the medical record of the outpatient (inpatient) patient, justifying the need for temporary release from work; 3) the day after inspection; 4) recording health data in the medical record of the outpatient (inpatient) patient. 3. Who has the right to be an attending physician 1) studying at a medical institution 2) studying at an educational institution of postgraduate vocational education 3) who has completed clinical residency and received a specialist certificate or certificate of accreditation of a specialist 4. Citizens who apply for medical care after the end of working time (shift) the date of exemption from work in the disability certificate is indicated from the next calendar day 1) at their request 2) always 5. In which cases , for outpatient treatment according to the intermittent method. a sheet of incapacity for work can be issued by decision of the VK for the days of the corresponding study 1) complex urological 2) complex gynaecological 3) complex proctological and other studies , manipulations procedures 4) in all listed cases 6. In case of temporary incapacity to work during leave without pay, maternity leave,leave to care for a child until the child reaches the age of 3 years, a list of incapacity to work 1) issued from the date of termination of the mentioned holidays in case of continuing temporary disability 2) issued for the entire period of temporary disability 7. In case of temporary incapacity for work of persons on leave to care for a child until the child reaches the age of 3, working part-time or at home,a sheet of incapacity for work 1) issued on a general basis 2) not issued
- law? (15 Marks) b) Examine the following concepts as used in the settlement of disputes in international law i. The international court of justice (4 Marks) ii. International arbitration (4 Marks) iii. Compulsory binding settlement (4 Marks) iv. Jurisdiction and admissibility (3 Marks)
- 15 (B, C) We are all consumers and should know our rights. Fill in may, must, can in the Consumer Protection Act. 223. A merchant __ show the price clearly on everything in his store. 224. No merchant manufacturer, advertiser __ charge more than the advertised price. 231. No merchant manufacturer, advertiser __ advertise a product when he doesn't have enough in stock. 248. No commercial advertising __ be directed at people under 13 years at age
- c. Kedua orang tua 5. Makna perkawinan menurut Kitab Hukum Kanomk 1055 adalah __ a. Perkawinan sebagai suatu lambang kehidupan b. Perkawinan sebagai tanda kehadiran Allah yang menyelamatkan manusia c. Perkawinan sebagai suatu perjanjian antara laki-laki dan perempuan d Perkawinan sebagai kebersamaan antara Allah dengan manusill e. Perkawinan sebagai perjanjian antara Allah dengan manusia 6. Tujuan perkawinan menurut UU Perkawinan RI no I tahun 1974 adalah __ a. Membentuk kehidupan bersama yang saling dan mengasihi b. Membentuk persekutuan hidup yang saling membahagiakan satu sama lain c. Mewujudkan sebuah keluarga yang sakinah.mawardah-barokah d. Membentuk keluarga yang bahagia tetap dan sejahtera c. Memperoleh keturunan
Помощь в выполнении юридических заданий
Это инструмент юридической помощи, основанный на технологии обработки естественного языка, который может помочь пользователям быстро находить соответствующие юридические тексты и пояснения, вводя вопросы или ключевые слова. Помощь по заданию законов использует модели GPT OpenAI для интеллектуального анализа сомнений пользователя и предоставления ответов, связанных с этими юридическими вопросами. В то же время проект способен постоянно учиться и оптимизироваться на основе отзывов пользователей.
Помощник по выполнению домашних заданий по юриспруденции — это помощник по правовым вопросам, основанный на искусственном интеллекте, основанный на OpenAI API и базе данных pgvector, который может помочь пользователям быстро запрашивать и понимать законы и правила штатов США и крупных стран мира. Стоит помочь простым людям лучше понять и применять закон, повысить юридическую грамотность.