- buyer to accept and pay for them. Explain the meaning and effect of this Act. Namweya and Nabayi are both tenanis and nelishos. Nakuru. Namweya runs is posho-mill business on the premises as "Transforming Lives through Quality Education" Iniversity is 1509001:2008 Certificd AGBM 401 her neighbour Nabayi. The posho-mill is diesel powered and when in use causes a lot of vibrations. Recently, as a result of the vibrations from the posho-mill, a beam fell from the roof of the adjoining house occupied by Nabayi and injured her. Nabayi claims that the vibrations of the posho-mill have been a nuisance and has, as a result, sued Namweya for damages. Explain the legal principles applicable in this case and advise both Namweya and Nabayi (7 marks) (6 marks) in Page 2 of 3
- a) Explain what you understand by judicial precedent and discuss its importance in the development of law (10 Marks) b) Discuss the Doctrine of Privity of contract (5 Marks) c) How does the maxim "Ignorance of Law is not an excuse" affect every individual in society? (5 Marks) d) Discuss the doctrine of "Accord and Satisfaction"giving examples. (10 Marks) Question Two a) Describe using relevant examples, the elements of the law of Tort of negligence.
- A PERSON WHO STAYS IN THE COUNTRY FOR AN ESTABLISHED NUMBER OFDAYSIFE 183 DAYS IN RUSSIA) OR MORE PER YE AR IS a. a tax resident b. a citizen c. a tax agent d. a taxpayer
- IN CASE OF PERSONAL INCOME TAX A TAX AGENT IS a. citizens must themselves fill out a personal income tax return b. a bank c. a broker d. an employer
- A PAYMENT THAT MUST BE PAID TO OBTAIN A A DRIVER'S LICENSE OR A PASSPORT IS a. an insurance premium b. a fee C. a tax d. a stamp duty
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