- II.Go on with enumerating: 1. Articles that are duty free are personal belongings, __ 2.The following papers are needed for going through customs: a visa. __ 3. A visa can be issued as single 4.In the prohibited articles list one can find antiques, __ 5. Among the articles liable to duty passengers can find original painting, __ 6.In the declaration form a traveller must write down a country visited, __ 7.A conveyer belt - are installed at the customs house to search the tourist's luggage. 8. Customs men know the exact places of concealment of goods. It may be an inside pocket, __
- Le mariage est dissous après ... la demande de divorce. mois un jour semaines quinze jours
- S'il y a des enfants mineurs dans la famille ou si l'un des époux s'oppose au divorce, le divorce est possible: le divorce uniquement par un tribunal le divorce est impossible résilié par le bureau d'état civil
- BIOETHICS. CREDI 1. What is the key reason why the concept of morality can be considered independent from formal legal regulation, despite possible intersections with legal norms? a) Morality always adapts to changes in legal norms. b) Moral principles are individual and vary depending on personal interests. always enshrined in law. c) Morality is based on personal beliefs and social norms that reflect notions of good and evil,which are not d) Moral principles are governed exclusively by religious beliefs. 2. How does the concept of duty, as understood in deontology, differ from the concept of responsibility, as emphasized in utilitarian theories? a) Duty in deontology is directed toward personal benefits while responsibility in utilitarianism is toward collective interests. b) Duty in deontology requires action according to prescribed norms, regardless of consequences, while responsibility in utilitarianism evaluates actions based on their outcomes for society. c) In deontology, duty is conditioned by moral standards, while in utilitarianism, it's guided by pragmatic goals. d) Responsibility in utilitarianism is personal, while in deontology, duty is always social. 3. Which ethical category most accurately reflects the moral conflict of a professional who must make decisions that contradict their own understanding of good in order to fulfill their professional duty? a) Responsibility b)Conscience c) Duty d) Altruism 4. Which of the following principles most consistently represents the utilitarian perspective in evaluating a medical error that led to unforeseen consequences? a) The action should be judged solely by its end result, not the doctor's intentions. b) An error is evaluated only by the moral motivation behind the act. c) The error should be condemned if it violates professional standards, regardless of consequences. d) An error may be justified if the doctor's intentions were initially positive. 5. Which statement best reflects the relationship between the ethical notion of "duty" and the mora category of "conscience" within the context of the deontological approach to professional conduct? a) Conscience always dictates actions based on duty , regardless of circumstances. b) Duty and conscience are mutually exclusive, as one implies personal emotions and the other socia obligations. c) Conscience helps define the personal moral boundaries of duty, reinforcing motivation to follow rule even if they conflict with personal interests. 1) Duty is self-sufficient and does not require the category of conscience. In the context of the World Medical Association's International Code of Ethics, how does t rinciple of beneficence justify a physician's obligation to prioritize patient welfare over institutior olicies that may restrict certain treatments? ) The principle of beneficence mandates that the physician adhere strictly to institutional policies, regardl f their potential impact on patient welfare. The principle of beneficence allows the physician to act against institutional policies when those polic impromise the patient's best interests, thereby justifying a deviation from standard practice. The principle of beneficence emphasizes the importance of patient welfare but must always be balan th legal compliance and institutional guidelines. The principle of beneficence is irrelevant when institutional policies dictate treatment protocols herence to these policies is the primary concern.
- VI. Match the words and their definitions. 1. barrister 2. solicitor 3. evidence 4. chambers 5. action a) a matter before a court of law in an attempt to prove or disprove a point in issue , such as the statements of witnesses , documents, material objects, etc.; b) a legal proceeding brought by one party against another, seeking redress of a wrong or recovery of what is due; lawsuit; c) a lawyer who prepares legal documents, e.g. wills, sale of land or buildings,advises clients on legal matters, and speaks on their behalf in lower courts; d) a lawyer who has the right to speak and argue in the higher law courts; e) offices of barristers , etc. esp. in the Inns of Court. Judges in Great Britain In Britain, the vast majority of judges (that is, the people who decide what should be done with who commit crimes)are unpaid. They are called "Magistrates", or "Justices of the Peace "(JPs).
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