- QUESTION TWO (20 MARKS) a) State and explain five principles of effective practice in the context of offender rehabilitation. (10marks) b) Discuss the Risk Need Responsibility (RNR) model of rehabilitation of offenders. (10marks)
- SECTION A: ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS IN THIS SECTION QUESTION ONE (30 MARKS) a) Explain the meaning of the following concepts: (i)Offender rehabilitation. (3marks) (ii) Rehabilitation punishment. (3marks) b) Highlight four prerequisites in evaluating programs of persons in detention according to the constitution of Kenya 2010 (5marks) c) From a human right s perceptive, state five rights of persons in detention according to the constitution of Kenya. (5marks) d) State five functions of probation and aftercare in the state Department or commercial services. (5marks) e) Explain three key principles for an effective rehabilitation model. (6marks) f) Identify any four categories of offenders. (4marks)
- QUESTION THREE (20 MARKS) a) Is rehabilitation best conceived as a right of the offender or a privilege of the state? (10marks) b) Discuss the five main propositions that classical and positivist schools of thought propound on the concept of punishment in the historical epoch. (10marks)
- SECTION A: ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS IN THIS SECTION (a) Define the term "forensic assessment". (1 mark) (b) Explain any 5 factors normally considered during forensic assessment o sexual offenders. (5 marks) (c) Briefly describe the key tenets of rational choice theory and show its relevance in the rehabilitation process (10 marks) (d) Discuss any 2 methods used in offender rehabilitation within our criminal justice system today (4 marks) (e) Explain the challenges facing offender rehabilitation in Kenya today. (f) Describe 2 merits and 2 demerits of the rehabilitation philosophy of responding to offending. (5 marks) (5 marks)
- 83.2 What are these forms and documents?(Many of them are from 83.1.) 6 marks 1 You fill this in when you are writing off for a job. 2 You may have to fill this in (often on a plane) when you enter another country. 3 This is put in your passport and gives you permission to enter, pass through or leave another country. 4 This card has your name on it and a photo to show who you are. 5 You often fill in one of these before you start a course, e.g. if you study English at a language school. 6 This card states that you are a member of a particular club or organisation.
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