- When are retakes of interim assessments for a course not possible? Bbl6epnTe ofuH OTBeT: To improve a satisfactory grade If an unsatisfactory grade was awarded in a blocking assessment element There are no such conditions; retakes are always possible.
- What document must HSE students present while on University premises to authorised HSE officials and security staff at their request? Bbibepute opuk WIH HecKonbko OTBeTOB: Certificate of attendance Student ID or epass Enrolment directive Moscow transport (social) card
- Whose opinion is taken into account when adopting bylaws that affect students' rights? Bbl6epnTe oguH OTBeTOB: Faculty members of the given faculty HSE University Student Council Representativ es of the HSE University Admissions Office HSE University Commission for the Settlement of Disputes between Participants of Educational Relations
- Select all options that would be considered academic misconduct at HSE University: Bbi6epnte ofMH WN HeCKOnbKO OTBeTOB: Double submission of written works Submitting a falsified medical certificate Plagiarism in written works Copying during written or verbal tests Using Al tools without providing proper references thereto Skipping classes Using hints during verbal examinations Failure to appear at an examination for no valid reason
- U:4 In which instances is it possible to improve a previously awarded positive course score (over Grade 4)? Select all accurate statements: Bbl6epure oguH wnu HeCKO/1bK0 0TBeTOB: When a student has submitted a certificate for an international English examination along with a request that it be considered instead of previously assigned positive grades on an independent English test When a student received a grade on an external test of digital competencies (Innopolis) that is higher than that received at HSE University for an independent test of digital competencies In order to improve a satisfactory grade if a single satisfactory grade hinders a student's chances of receiving a diploma with honours This is not permitted under any circumstances. When a student has submitted a certificate for an international English examination along with a request that it be considered instead of an internal independent English test before the examination, or as a retake to improve an unsatisfactory grade When a student missed an examination for a valid reason and then subsequently passed the examination during the retake period, thereby allowing the course teacher to recalculate an earlier positive
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Это инструмент юридической помощи, основанный на технологии обработки естественного языка, который может помочь пользователям быстро находить соответствующие юридические тексты и пояснения, вводя вопросы или ключевые слова. Помощь по заданию законов использует модели GPT OpenAI для интеллектуального анализа сомнений пользователя и предоставления ответов, связанных с этими юридическими вопросами. В то же время проект способен постоянно учиться и оптимизироваться на основе отзывов пользователей.
Помощник по выполнению домашних заданий по юриспруденции — это помощник по правовым вопросам, основанный на искусственном интеллекте, основанный на OpenAI API и базе данных pgvector, который может помочь пользователям быстро запрашивать и понимать законы и правила штатов США и крупных стран мира. Стоит помочь простым людям лучше понять и применять закон, повысить юридическую грамотность.