- 3 Complete the sentences with the right prepositions. up, in (2)for 1.Read the book __ to the end!
- 3.| Y KaXHTe apoMoppo3a: A)TennokpoBHOC Tb y IITHU H MJIeKOIIHT b) spkas okpacka Tponu YecKHX : IITHLL H 6a6oyek B)opraHoB 4YBCTB Y 9HLOIIapa3HTOB T)CHOCOOHOCTE K IIOJIèTY y pykokpblulblx.
- 7. Give the dictionary form of the nouns in the Nominativus Plurãlis;translate them into English: Palpebrae, tubera retia ganglia, cornua labia vasa meninges dentes processus juncturae, alveoli,sinus , musculi cartilagines , canales , partes , arteriae. rami,, aures , radices tuberositates. alae , venae 8. Give the dictionary form of the nouns in the Genitivus Pluralis; translate them into English: capsulãrum, faciērum. angulõrum, digitõrum, arteriārum plexuum, foraminum, cavõrum, ligamentorum , gingivãrun 1, arcuum processuum,canalium , palpebrãrum,
- (6) Chose the correct option. 1 You had better/better not forget his name He is the boss. 2 You had better put / not put your bag on the floor. It's not clean. 3 He had better run / not run or he'll miss the bus. 4 The children had better go/not go to bed now.It's late. 5 You had better not drive / drive carefully This car is new. 6 The students had better pay / not pay attention because there's a test tomorrow.
- hometown I want to tell you about my hometown. I live in a town called (name). It is located (where?). There are a lot of beautiful places in it There are many (places) in Omsk. The center of the city is (adjective). You can have a walk near (places). If you like history,you can visit (places). In summer you can go to __ The best places to visit in my town are __ . My favorite place is __ I like living in my town because __ .
Помощь с домашним заданием по литературе
Литература – это вид искусства, который выражает и передает идеи, эмоции и переживания посредством языка. Это неотъемлемая часть человеческой культуры, охватывающая широкий спектр форм и стилей. Литературные произведения могут включать романы, стихи, драмы, эссе и многое другое. Литература не только отражает социальное, историческое и культурное происхождение, но также вдохновляет воображение читателей, эмоции и способности критического мышления. Через литературу люди могут исследовать внутренний мир человечества, понять различные точки зрения и ценности, испытать наслаждение красотой. Литература оказывает значительное влияние на личностный рост и развитие общества.