- EXER CISE 2: Choose the correct answer according to the passage. 1. According to the writer, it isn't necessarily true that __ A) mediocre jokes are only laughed at by people with no sense of humour B) people with a keen sense of humour never overreact C) a person who is aware of his weak sense of humour will always overreact D) some jokes are better than others E) the longer a person laughs, the keener his sense of humour 2. Those with a really keen sense of humour. __ A) never show it through laughter B) tell mediocre jokes to make other people overreact C) don't appreciate the company of those with a poor sense of humour D) are able to distinguish between good and bad jokes E) will laugh for a long time at a truly humorous joke 3. The writer believes that by overreacting to a joke. __ A) some people are trying to hide the shortcomings in their sense of humour B) you make the person who told it feel inadequate in some way C) you spoil the humour for other people D) a person can demonstrate how mediocre it is E) a person shows how discriminating he is about humour EXER CISE 3" Complete the sentences by selecting words from Column B in EXERCISE 1. 1. As young children we absorb a lot of language before we utter our first words. __ , when we're learning a second language, we shouldn't be expected to produce it until we have taken it in. 2.He's very. __ you know, and he will immediately notice if we serve him a cheap bottle of wine. 3 __ ...................................................................... remember you telling me this before, but tell me again as Ive forgotten most of the details. 4.He's good at all the sciences __ physics, and he seems to understand even the most complicated concepts with no effort at all. 5. I'm __ to be home late this evening, so don't wait to eat if you're hungry.
- 2. Complete the sentences B none oTBeT 3anullute CHOBO C ManeHbKon 6yKBbl, 6e3 TO4KM B KOHLIe. Example answer: author She is a well -known square She wrote biographies of several people from the royal family. John Keats is a famous British Teker His romantic poems became very popular when he was 23. I am a lawyer but I want to be a
- Ubung 30 . Nennen Sie Partizip II v n diesen Verben. abmachen korrigieren > zusammenarbeiten umsteigen -) besprecher vorstellen -> finden→ aufschreiber lesen- bitten→
- Konrponbitas pa6ora no reme (1) BycocraBHoe BAPHAHT 1, uaemb 1 1. Ykankure HeBepHoe A pacripocrpansior TOJIbKO rpaMMaTH4eCKyto OCHOBy. b. IIo crioco6y BblpaxeHHS corracobaHHble II aHHbIe. B. IIpstMoc OTHOCHTCA TOIIbKO K maroiry u Bblpaxaercs BHHHTejIbHbIN nartexom 6e3 T. Homexamee MOXKET BblpaxaTbes pa3JIHYH5IMH YaCTSIMF peun. 2. Haiunre KOTOPOM nonjexamee BblpaxkeH0 HapeyHeM. A. B Zome HaripoTHE b. &Crio3apaHKy ) - CHOBO C TpeMs IIPHCTaBKaMH H B. Becb zeHb CTOHT KaK 6bl xpycraJIbHbIM. T. Hoybro Mecsul TYCKJI. 3. V KaxHTe c cocraBHbIN I MaroJIbHbIM cka3yeMbIM. A. O6HSUTHCE o63raka H yCHYJIH 6e3 rpycTH. b. A Hayan CTPOHTE HOBbIM HOM. B. Mup Kaxercs MHe KHHTOM 6ecKoHeyHOM. I. O6 oceHHeM Jiece 6y,Iy cKa3Ky CKa3bIBaTb. 4. Hainwre COCTABHbIM HMeHHbIM cka3yeMbIM. A. JIecHOM HOJIYMpaK 3anckpHJCS HHTSIMH JIy4eZ. b. Hoyn oblum ACHbIe H HO -BeceHHeMy Tëntible. B. Peosra 6y/IyT KynaTECA B peke. T. Tloyemy Th HOJITO ObUI Ha yJIHIIe?
- 4 Rewrite the sentences in the passive on agent where possible. 1 They publish the news journal every month __ __ 3 Tom must learn some manners. __ Sarah tomorrow __ Someone __ 6 Who wrote this message? __ 7 He will have received the letters by now. __ 8 Charles Dickens wrote Oliver Twist. __ 9 Has the boss approved my leave? __ 10 Mum made me tidy my room. __ 11 A famous stylist cut her hair. __ 12 People saw him start the fire. __ 13 Tony doesn't like people staring at him. __ 14 My teacher lets me stay in the classroom during __ breaks 8 15 The Minister of Education is making an announcer at the moment __
Помощь с домашним заданием по литературе
Литература – это вид искусства, который выражает и передает идеи, эмоции и переживания посредством языка. Это неотъемлемая часть человеческой культуры, охватывающая широкий спектр форм и стилей. Литературные произведения могут включать романы, стихи, драмы, эссе и многое другое. Литература не только отражает социальное, историческое и культурное происхождение, но также вдохновляет воображение читателей, эмоции и способности критического мышления. Через литературу люди могут исследовать внутренний мир человечества, понять различные точки зрения и ценности, испытать наслаждение красотой. Литература оказывает значительное влияние на личностный рост и развитие общества.