- You have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend Lily: __ You've probably seen the photos which I took on my holiday.During the rainy days we a laving now they bring back good memories! .Where did you spend your last summer holidays.? What did you do during your holiday. What school holidays do you like most of all and why? __ Nrite a message to Lily and answer her 3 questions. Nrite 100-120 words. Remember the rules of email writing.
- WHICH TYPE OF RELATIONSH IIP DENOTES THE DEPENDENCE, IN WHICH THE TASK B CAN NOT FINISH UNTIL THE TASK A IS FINISHED Bbl6epuTe OAMH OTBeT: a. start-to-finish b. Start-to-start c. finish-to-finish d. finish-to-start
- Kompontanas pabora no reorpadoun resie: uOxHble MarepHKH). 2 BapHaHT TecThi c Bbi5opoM ozuoro Inpankilbitoro orgera (10 6a.LIOB) 1. Kakoli Kruswarnyeeknik none IOxnoã AMepukn 3aHKMaer 1) 3KII 2) TKII 3) VKII 4) C3KII 5)CTPII 2. Camoã Bbicokoli ABCTPALIHIN RRINETCA TOPA 4) 3pe6yc 1) Akonxazya 2) Kocuouko 3) Komonaxu 3.Kpañueii 10XHoli Towkol |OxuoH AMepHKH #BJSCTCN: 1) M. Talbunac 2) M. Kaby-Epanky 3) M. Ppoyapo 4) M. Hapunbac 4. Peka, nepecekaonnas, mbaxi.jab 3KBarop 4) Hui 1)AMa30 HKa 2) Konzo 3) 3ambesu 5. AMepuka 6821a OTKPBITa: 1) X. KonyM6 2) Honc. Kyk 3) (D) Mazeuan 4) Backo òa Tama 6.IlpencrasswrezaMN XHBOTHOTO MHpa KaKoro H3 nepermeneHHibi 1) Appuka 2) YOxenan Awepuka 3) Eepanus 4) Aecmparus 7. Hamma - 3T0 4) Jleca 1) Cacamibl 2) Cmenu 3) Ilycmbinu 8.CaMble HH3KHe Hapoilb Appukh Ha3blBaroTCs 4) camóo 1) nuzmeu 2) nununymbl 3) 6yumenbl 9. CaMble HH3KNe remieparypsi B: 1) sueape 2) despane 3) wore 4) Mapme 10. Ha Bocroke HOxHoff AMepHKH HAXOLHTCH KPyTHOE mockoropbe 1)Yeuneuckoe 2) Epasunbcroe 3) 3(puonckoe 4) Hamazonus 11. Buóepwre npanHJbHble A) B looknou vacmu |Oxcuoii Awepuku naxoo)umes 5) Cmonuyeu Ascmpanu REAREMCA 20poò Menboyph B) K andemukan Ascmpanu omHocam ymkonoca, exuồny u Kenzypy 1) Ha roze Acppuku pacnonoxicenbt 20pbi Amzac JI) Booonao Anxelb Naxoolumex 8 pennoti cucmexe Opuioxo E) B Aecmpanuu 60.1buty10 nioujaob 3anuMarom unupoxomucmsemble seca XX) CaxbLN KPyTMbLN 03epoM Asempanuu sassemes 3tip-Hopm Renzemca Tumuxaka OTBeThre Ha Borrpocbl 12.Iloseay B yaepennow killmare Hạ 3ana.IHbIX CKTOHaX AHI ocarroe sumaraer 60.75me, yew Ha BOCTO4HbIX? pacTOTOXERA B BOCTOYBON WACTH Appinki? 14. 3ananke Ha pa6ory AMepHKa) Temmeparyp H 3arrHIIHT 5) B KaKOM Mecaue B5maznaer caMoe 60:116.1110 KOTHYECTBO ocarkos B) Kakoe KonvrectBo ocalikos Bblllazaer B Teqentre rona T) Kakomy KIHMaTHMeCKOMY TIONCY COOTBeTCTByeT KJIHMarorpaMMa.
- 1. Look at some news stories in any English newspaper. Can you tell what kind of a story it is just by reading the headline and the lead (see the variations of "something happened" stories). 2. Match the headlines and their lead paragraphs. 1. Man charged with Russell Square knife murder 2. Rio 2016 Olympics:Integrity of Games in tatters as IOC clears more than two-thirds of Russia team 3. The great dental rip-off 4. Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson pictured on his summer holiday in Greece 5. Want to avoid recession? Then shower UK households with cash 6. What I wore this week: over-the-knee boots 7. Edinburgh festival planner:three shows to see today 8. Google is trying to stop you having to put in passwords 24 9. Rio 2016 opening ceremony a mix of pared patriotism and climate concern 10.Rio and São Paulo states' top 10 budget beach hotels and B&Bs a. Thousands of teeth needlessly extracted as surgeries accused of putting profit before patients. b. At the fringe but not sure which tickets to book? Try one, two or all three of these picks from our critics. c. A 19-year-old man has been charged with murdering an American tourist in a knife attack and attempting to murder five other people in London's Russell Square. d. Mr Johnson turned down the sun-kissed English riviera of Cornwall, the 25C heat of the sands of sun -kissed California and the history of Russia? e. How much leg you show depends on where you sit on the Fun Spectrum. f. New open source project hopes to remove burden of remembering passwords and instantly log you into apps on Android, with plans to roll out across every platform. g. The integrity of the 2016 Olympics lies in tatters after more than two-thirds of Russia's team were cleared to compete by the International Olympic Committee. h. Olympics off to untroubled start despite tumultuous build-up as Brazil shows world template for a more sustainable Games. i. The economy is in dire need of a jump start -cutting interest rates has failed miserably. So instead give money to people who would actually spend it. j. Head out of the huge cities of Rio and São Paulo to find peaceful pousadas on the Costa Verde, where you can swing in a hammock and walk along stunning beaches backed by rainforest.
- 2 TlocraBbre rnaronbl B 6yAyujee BpeMA 1. Don't worry about George. He __ (be) ok. 2. She. __ probably - (fail) her driving test. __ 3. You definitely __ (not ot like) the exhibition. 4. Exports __ (continue) to rise over the next few months. 5. My mother __ (object) to my going away over Christmas. 6. I think we __ (get) there before nightfall. 7. Where __ you __ (be) this time next year? I __ (be) in Japan. 8. We __ (not be) here tomorrow.
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Литература – это вид искусства, который выражает и передает идеи, эмоции и переживания посредством языка. Это неотъемлемая часть человеческой культуры, охватывающая широкий спектр форм и стилей. Литературные произведения могут включать романы, стихи, драмы, эссе и многое другое. Литература не только отражает социальное, историческое и культурное происхождение, но также вдохновляет воображение читателей, эмоции и способности критического мышления. Через литературу люди могут исследовать внутренний мир человечества, понять различные точки зрения и ценности, испытать наслаждение красотой. Литература оказывает значительное влияние на личностный рост и развитие общества.