- 4 Complete the text with the correct form of these verbs from the listening text. book catch up pay save take try With most people now (1) __ the computer very much for granted, it is possible to do many things online, from (2) __ bills to (3) __ holidays.This can (4) __ a lot of time if you are busy,and a lot of money too Now that many people have laptops, they are also able to (5) __ on their emails and the news while they are travelling to work .However, although it is convenient to shop online ,many people still prefer to go shopping for clothes as they want to (6) __ them on and see what they look like before they buy.
- Activity 10 . correct the mistakes a.- My sister were 5 last year. This year she is 6. __ b.- I was at home tomorrow. __ c.- That book were difficult to understand. __ d.- These was my best trainers. __ e.- My father were really proud of me. __ f.- Peter and John was in the playground. __ g.- We was playing football last weekend. __ h.- My cousin were a doctor. He worked in a hospital. __ i.- The exam were very difficult. __ j.- They was a baby ten years ago.
- Activity 12. Write in order ( a.- were the library They in b.- was morning school She this at c.- were There lots cars of d.- Susan very was happy night last e.- concert the Tom was in yesterday f.- were the park We in g.- was my It birthday ago days two h.- at home was I night last i.- was film She favourite my star j.- was in class I morning this __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
- 19.B KaKOM oreere npaswnbwo onpegenenwe CHCTeMbl C QuKCHpOBaHHOM nephopuwHOCTblo 3aka3a: A. 3aka3bi Ha ovepegHy10 nocraexy npoaykuwn noBrophorcs uepe3 opuwakoBble npowexyTK4 BpeweNW, 5. 3aka3bi nocrynakor npw yMeHblueHMM 3anacos; B. BCe OTBeTbl BepHbl. 20. KaKwe M3RepXKK RBDNNTCR kpwrepkem onTWNN3aUM 3anacos: A. no sakynkam npoaykuwi; 5. no copepxaHNo 3anacos; B. norepu npw orcyrcrew npoaykunn; T. BCe OTBeTbl BepHbl. 21.KaKwe w3RepKK4 OTHOCRTCR K 3akyno4HOW norveTuke: A. no oépopmneHMro 3aka3a; 5. no opopmneHwro porosopa nocrasku k KOMMYHMKaUMA C nocrae unka mu; B. TpaHcnopTHble; r. no cKnapuposaHMON nonyueHMHO 3aKa33; A. Bce orBerbl BepHb. 22.Kakoe onpegeneHwe Ang CHCTEMbI C QuKCHpOBaHHbM pa3MepoN 3akasa: A. nononHeHwe 3anacos -Benwwwa nocrosHwas, a oveper.wor 3aka3 3anacos go noporosoro ypoBHR; 5. nononwekwe sanaca npowsBopMrce onpegeneHHbIMH QukcaposaHHbMMK naprwsww yepes pasHble npowexyTKN BpeMeHn; B. BCe OTBeTbl BepHbl. 23. Kakoe onpegeneHwe Ans CHCTEMbI C QuKCHpOBaHHON nephonwHoCTblo 3akasa: A. 3aka3bi Ha nocraeky noeropworce wepes o,MHaKOBble npoMexyTK BpeMeHu; 5. 3aka3bl Hà nononwenwe penavor npw ywewbulekim sanacos Ao noporoBoro ypoBHR; B. BCe OTBeTbl BepHbl. 24. Kakwe pacyeTHble napamerpbl umeer cucrema c QukcuposaHHbIM pa3MepoM 3aka3a: A. Toyky 3akasa (noporoBbili ypoBeHb); 5. pesepeHblir ypoBeHb 3anaca; B. MaKCAManbHbIX o6beM nocrask 3a nepuoA: T. BepHbl OTBera A N 5.
- Activity 11. Write a.-a.-a.-a.- __ happy last night. b.- She __ from England. She wasn't Russian. c.- The bird __ really beautiful. d. Halloween __ very funny this year. e.- My friends __ funny in the party. f.- You __ very good at maths. g.- How __ you? I __ fine, thanks. h.- He __ sixteen years old last year. i.- We __ the best students two years ago. j.- They __ from China. They were Chinese.
Помощь с домашним заданием по литературе
Литература – это вид искусства, который выражает и передает идеи, эмоции и переживания посредством языка. Это неотъемлемая часть человеческой культуры, охватывающая широкий спектр форм и стилей. Литературные произведения могут включать романы, стихи, драмы, эссе и многое другое. Литература не только отражает социальное, историческое и культурное происхождение, но также вдохновляет воображение читателей, эмоции и способности критического мышления. Через литературу люди могут исследовать внутренний мир человечества, понять различные точки зрения и ценности, испытать наслаждение красотой. Литература оказывает значительное влияние на личностный рост и развитие общества.