- 41.2 Complete the sentences with the correct verb. 1 We __ football in the winter at my school. 2 Do you __ ... much exercise? 3 __ basketball in the summer and winter. 4 We always __ in the winter, as long as thereis enough snow. 5 1........ __ a bit of yoga when I was younger. 6 We used to __ camping in the mountains. 71 __ .................... a lot of swimming in the summer. 8 If you want to __ ......... . fit, you need to run three or four miles every other day. 9 I used to __ . in the gym, but I'm getting a bit old for that now.
- (1) Before you read the passage, talk about these questions 1 When do people make insurance claims? 2 When will insurance companies deny a claim? Reading (2)Read the letter about an insurance claim. Then, mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F) 1 __ More photos of the vehicle are required. 2 __ The claims adjuster's investigation is complete 3 __ Payment has not yet been authorized. Vocabulary (3) Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part. 1 The claims adjuster will decide upon a monetary value for damages to the house. __ e. __ rm __ __ __ 2 The claims adjuster took his identifying code i. __ - n __ __ b __ 3 The man reported the claim three days ago. __ __ e __ 4 It's the responsibility of the insured person to file a claim promptly after an incident. __ o __ __ y __ __ __ r 5 An agent will be able to help in a moment. -v __ . __ a __ __ e (4) Read the sentence pair.Choose where the words best fit the blanks. 1 estimate / policy number A The __ of damages was greater than the value of the vehicle. B Write your __ on each page of the claim. 2 agent/claim A I filed the __ right after the accident B The __ sold her the best policy. 3 investigation/monetary value A He won't receive any money until the __ is complete. B The claims adjuster determined the __ of his loss.
- 41.2 Complete the sentences with the correct verb. 1 We __ football in the winter at my school. Do you __ ...... much exercise? 31..................................................................... __ basketball in the summer and winter. We always __ in the winter, as long as there is enough snow. 51. __ a bit of yoga when I was younger. We to __ . camping in the mountains. 7 1 ................... __ a lot of swimming in the summer. 8 If you want to __ fit, you need to run three or four miles every other day. 9 I used to......... __ in the gym, but I'm getting a bit old for that now.
- ) Read the situations and write sentences with just already or yet. 1 After lunch you go to see a friend at her house. She says, "Would you like something to eat?" You say: No thank you. __ . (have lunch) 2 Joe goes out. Five minutes later, the phone rings and the caller says, "Can I speak to Joe? You say: I'm afraid __ (go out) 3 You are eating in a restaurant. The waiter thinks you have finished and starts to take your plate away. You say:Wait a minute! __ (not / finis) 4 You plan to eat at a restaurant tonight.You phoned to reserve a table. Later your friend says. "Shall I phone to reserve a table?" You say:No, __ (do it) 5 You know that a friend of yours is looking for a place to live. Perhaps she has been successful. Ask her. You say: __ ? (find) 6 You are still thinking about where to go for your holiday. A friend asks, "Where are you going for your holiday?" You say: __ (not / decide) 7 Linda went shopping, but a few minutes ago she returned. Somebody asks "Is Linda still out shopping?" You say: No, __ (come back)
- Jinpaxxnenue 1. Insert do or make. I __ an apology 2 __ a job j __ an appointment 4 __ bad s __ karate 6 __ your best 7 __ a lesson 10 __ a cake II __ noise 12 __ the cooking 13 __ a decision 14 __ a discovery 15 __ a dress 16 __ an exercise 17 __ your homework 18 __ the housework 19 __ the ironing 20 __ a note 8 __ a mistake 9 __ money
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Литература – это вид искусства, который выражает и передает идеи, эмоции и переживания посредством языка. Это неотъемлемая часть человеческой культуры, охватывающая широкий спектр форм и стилей. Литературные произведения могут включать романы, стихи, драмы, эссе и многое другое. Литература не только отражает социальное, историческое и культурное происхождение, но также вдохновляет воображение читателей, эмоции и способности критического мышления. Через литературу люди могут исследовать внутренний мир человечества, понять различные точки зрения и ценности, испытать наслаждение красотой. Литература оказывает значительное влияние на личностный рост и развитие общества.