- 3 Match the two halves of the sentence 11 was making a sandwich __ 2 Juan was sending a text message __ 3 John was playing tennis __ 4 Jay and Nia were playing a video game online __ 5 Mary was running __ a when his phone stopped working. b when she hurt her toe. when I cut my finger. d when he broke his racket. e when the internet stopped working.
- 2. Match the two halves of the sentences. 1. We mustn't 2. We don't have to 3 You mustn't 4 I must get 5 You have to 6 You must tidy your room, a eat all that cake, Artur. You'll feel sick. b Robbie-your clothes are all over the floor. c wear our uniform next Friday because it's the last day of school. d use our mobile phones in school. e a card for my grandfather. It's his birthday on Saturday. I fill in a form before you can join the sports club.
- 1. Remplacez les COD par les pronoms le la, I', les. 1. Elle connait cet acteur. __ 2. Elle prend ses lunettes. __ 3. I'attends mes collègues. __ 4. Les touristes regardent le tableau __ 5. Mon père cherche sa valise. __ 6. Les élèves ouvrent la porte __ hundred 7. Christine montre ses photos. __ 8. Mon fils adore ces dessins animés. __
- Text 39. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive form. 1. You (take) around the city tomorrow. 2. Melons (grow) in the south of France. 3. The ship-building industry (reduce) since 1970. 4. He (sbock) by the story at our last meeting. 5. This text must (translate)tomorrow. 6. In 1980 the Olympic Games (hold) in Moscow. 1. The room (not clean)yet. 8: Mercedes cars (make) in Germany. 9. The furniture should (dust) every week. 10. The streets (decorate)at the moment. 11. The translation (do)in time. Everyone was glad. 12. We (impress) by her acting at her last concert. 13. More raw materials (Import) in the future. 14. Your health can (Improve) with more avarrice
- 2. Verbinde die Sātze mit einer der passenden Konjunktion -obwohl, weil. a. Einige Leutehaben dem Mann zugestimmt . Sie hatten gar nichts gesehen. b. Ich habe mit dem Freund FuBball gesehen.Ich interessiere mich fiir FuBball nicht. c. Wir haben viel gebadet. In diesem Sommer war das Wetter sehr schon. d. Ich bringe meinen Bruder schnell zum Bahnhof. Er soll mit dem Zug nach Brussel fahren. e. Otto wal aufgeregt. Seine Freundin hatte ihn gesterb abend angerufen
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Литература – это вид искусства, который выражает и передает идеи, эмоции и переживания посредством языка. Это неотъемлемая часть человеческой культуры, охватывающая широкий спектр форм и стилей. Литературные произведения могут включать романы, стихи, драмы, эссе и многое другое. Литература не только отражает социальное, историческое и культурное происхождение, но также вдохновляет воображение читателей, эмоции и способности критического мышления. Через литературу люди могут исследовать внутренний мир человечества, понять различные точки зрения и ценности, испытать наслаждение красотой. Литература оказывает значительное влияние на личностный рост и развитие общества.