- 7. The psychology in medicine deals with the following problems: 4) Psychology of the patient and his family; b) Psychology of management; c) Psychology of advertising; d) Psychology of the doctor; e) Mutual relations in system (c the doctor - the patient - family >>
- 6. Match: 1) disturbing - depressive syndrome 2) phobic reaction 3) hysterical reaction 4) hypochondriac reaction (a) presence of persuasive fears b) showing off,theatricality exaggeration complaints d) attributing to yourself dangerous disease which actually is not present e) melancholy , sadness, suicidal tendencies.
- 1. Name 3 stages of formation of reaction to the illness: a) sensological b) ethical: c) evaluating; d) aesthetic; e) stage of the attitude to the illness.
- 1. Name 3 stages of formation of reaction to the illness: a) sensological b) ethical; c) evaluating: d) aesthetic; e) stage of the attitude to the illness. b) experiences , statements connected to the disease. 3 Hyposomatc nosognosia is __ a) denying presence of disease and its symptoms; b)underestimatior of degree and severit y of illness as a whole: c) reassessment of importance of disease. 4.In a case of hypersomatonosognosia the following types of reactions are possible: a) alarm , enhanced attention to illness activity in treatment; b) apathy low mood,pessimism,performance of all requirements of the doctor; .c)unwillingness to visit a doctor.a uncooperativ e attitude to the process of treatment. s In a case of dissomatonosognosis the following types of reactions are possible: a) absence of interest to examination and treatment,unreasonably favorable forecast for the future, underestimatior of danger; b)replacement from consciousness the ideas of illness; c)Non-recogniti on of illness at weak expressiveness of symptoms. 6. Match: 1) disturbing - depressive syndrome 2) phobic reaction (a) presence of persuasive fears b) showing off theatricality , exaggeration complaints 3) hysterical reaction 4) hypochondriac reaction 7.The psychology in medicine deals with the following problems: 4) Psychology of the patient and his family; b)Psychology of management; c)Psychology of advertising; d)Psycholog y of the doctor; e) Mutual relations in system "the doctor - the patient - family >> 2 Somatonosognosia is __ a) enhanced attention to the illness;
- Test <Psychology in medicine) 1. Name 3 stages of formation of reaction to the illness: - a) sensological b) ethical; c) evaluating; d) aesthetic; e) stage of the attitude to the illness. 2. Somatonosognosia is __ a) enhanced attention to the illness; b) experiences, statements connected to the disease. 3. Hyposomat onosognosia is __ a) denying presence of disease and its symptoms; b) underestimation of degree and severity of illness as a whole; c) reassessment of importance of disease. 4.In a case of nosognosia the following types of reactions are possible: a) alarm, enhanced attention to illness, activity in treatment; b) apathy, low mood pessimism, performance of all requirements of the doctor; c) unwillingness to visit a doctor, a uncooperative attitude to the process of treatment. 5.In a case of dissomatonosognosia the following types of reactions are possible: a) absence of interest to examination and treatment, unreasonably favorable forecast for the future. underestimation of danger, b) replacement from consciousness the ideas of illness; c) Non-recognition of illness at weak expressiveness of symptoms. 6.Match: 1) disturbing - depressive syndrome a) presence of persuasive fears 2) phobic reaction b) showing off, theatricality exaggeration complaints 3) hysterical reaction d) attributing to yourself dangerous disease which actually is not present 4) hypochondriac reaction e) melancholy, sadness suicidal tendencies. 7. The psychology in medicine deals with the following problems: a) Psychology of the patient and his family; b) Psychology of management; c) Psychology of advertising; d) Psychology of the doctor; e) Mutual relations in system (c the doctor - the patient - family >>
Помощь по медицинским назначениям
Разве не было бы здорово, если бы существовала электронная клиническая информация и инструменты поддержки принятия решений, которые могли бы помочь врачам быстро находить необходимую информацию, значительно сокращая количество медикаментозных и хирургических ошибок, вызванных неправильным принятием врачами решений? В настоящее время на рынке существует множество приложений для медицинских работников, которые могут вам помочь, и questionsai является естественным выбором из-за его передовых моделей и алгоритмов искусственного интеллекта.
Этот медицинский помощник представляет собой профессиональное медицинское информационное и инструментально-ориентированное клиническое приложение для принятия решений. Цель состоит в том, чтобы уменьшить количество ошибок, допускаемых врачами при назначении лекарств, и улучшить положение первичной медико-санитарной помощи. Он предоставляет две основные услуги: общие медицинские знания и информацию, а также аптечные инструменты преобразования и оценки для организаций первичной медико-санитарной помощи и врачей.