- 11. Que signifie le dynamisme des émotions et des sentiments? 12. Nommez les niveaux d'expression des émotions et des sentiments. Révélez leur contenu.
- 5 A. Work in small groups. Interview your classmates on their ideas of friendship. Find out: - if they think that friendship is important at any age; - at what period of a person's life it is most important and why; - what factors friendship involves: why friends fall out; how much time they spend together; where they usually meet; what they tend to do together; how dependent they are on his/her friend, friends: if girls and boys can be real friends. how many friends they have got; B. Sum up the information and report it. a) affection for each other; e) helping each other; b) the same interests , hobbies, aims; f) respect and understanding; g) other factors. c) living in the same area; d) going to the same school
- C. Speak about your friendship expectations. 5 A. Work in small groups. Interview your classmates on their ideas of friendship Find out: - if they think that friendship is important at any age; at what period of a person's life it is most important and why; what factors friendship involves: why friends fall out; how many friends they have got; how much time they spend together; where they usually meet; what they tend to do together; how dependent they are on his/her friend/ friends; if girls and boys can be real friends. B. Sum up the information and report it. a) affection for each other; e) helping each other; b) the same interests , hobbies, aims; c) living in the same area; f) respect and understanding; g) other factors. d) going to the same school;
- PSYCHOLOGICAI APPROACH TO ADVERTISING 1) Advertising is one of many ways in which manufacturers consumers to buy their products. Businesses spend an enormous amount of money on advertising to attract the attention of increasingly disinterested consumers and influence their choice. Advertising reflects cultural value because it is carefully planned to make people feel clever, important , and secure in their choice. Psychology provides some useful terms for analyzing the strategies used in ads. 2) Some commercials appeal to the achievement motive, or people's desire to do things well. This goal or aspiration may be expressed in ads by people doing something considerably better than others or doing something unusual or difficult. Other ads appeal to the need to be with other people. In advertising, this desire may be expressed by pleasant family or social relationship, or by participation in a variety of social activities. Another strong appeal is to people's desires to influence or control the others, the power motive. In advertising, the message is that use of a particular product will give you power or social status. Appeals to fear are also common in advertising . People are motivated by strong desire to avoid fear and anxiety. The message in commercials is that failure to use a product may result in a loss or create a problem. 3) Finally, appeals to sex are very common in advertising. Commercials often use young and attractive people to sell products or suggest that use of products will improve the youthfulness and attractiveness of consumers. Many ads combine appeals to more than one motive. Today people are bombarded with advertising everywhere. The largest companies try to find innovative ways of appealing to several of these social aspirations and fears. 3aòanus 10-12. Kakoü uacmu mekcma coomoemcmayem cneoylouậas undopmauus 10. Some ads appeal to people's desire to lead others. 11. Innovative ways of advertising are developed by large companies. 12. Psychology analyses different strategies in advertising. 3adanus 13-15. Bu6epume eepioiii eapuanm 6 coomcemcmeuu c codepseanuem mexcma 13. Some commercials offer people to buy particular products __ 1) __ so that they were no worse than others. __ 2) ...to avoid traffic problems. 3) __ to increase profits of the companies. 14. Power motive in advertising is presented by __ 1) __ priorities of the American products. 2) __ social status products. 3) __ food products. 15. Appeal to several motives is __ 1) __ an old-fashioned technique 2) __ a new approach in outdoor advertising. 3) __ is vastly used in advertising nowadays.
- First, before making any decisions, you need to look at yourself honestly and think about what you love to do and what you are good at. After that, it's time to ask yourself a key question: "What do I really enjoy doing and what kind of a job can I do that will allow me to do what I enjoy doing?
Помощь по медицинским назначениям
Разве не было бы здорово, если бы существовала электронная клиническая информация и инструменты поддержки принятия решений, которые могли бы помочь врачам быстро находить необходимую информацию, значительно сокращая количество медикаментозных и хирургических ошибок, вызванных неправильным принятием врачами решений? В настоящее время на рынке существует множество приложений для медицинских работников, которые могут вам помочь, и questionsai является естественным выбором из-за его передовых моделей и алгоритмов искусственного интеллекта.
Этот медицинский помощник представляет собой профессиональное медицинское информационное и инструментально-ориентированное клиническое приложение для принятия решений. Цель состоит в том, чтобы уменьшить количество ошибок, допускаемых врачами при назначении лекарств, и улучшить положение первичной медико-санитарной помощи. Он предоставляет две основные услуги: общие медицинские знания и информацию, а также аптечные инструменты преобразования и оценки для организаций первичной медико-санитарной помощи и врачей.