- A student failed to complete his homework for the first time. When the teacher inquired, "Why didn't you do your homework?", the student's response was vague. The teacher decided to overlook SECOND COUND TASKS this lapse on the condition that the student would complete the assignment by the next lesson. However, the following day.the student came to class again without having completed the homework. The teacher issued an unsalisfactory mark, prompting the student to leave the classroom abruptly, and slamming the door loudly. Questions: 1) What are the possible reasons for the student's behavior? 2) What would you do if a similar problem occurred in your class? 3) What is the right way to deal with this situation? 4) What work should be done with the pupils?
- SECTION B QUETION TWO a) Describe four types of play. b) Explain the role of play in social and cognitive development of children. [8 marks] c) State four factors that have led to decline of social play in the contemporary society. [4 marks] QUESTION THREE a) Describe the characteristics of the sensorimotor stage according to Jean Piaget. [8 marks] learning to b) State six developmental tasks at infancy according to Havirghurst, is mins to to like [6 marks] c) Describe the holophrastic stage of language development. QUESTION FOUR __ a) Describe the physical and psychological changes during adolescents. [8 marks] b) Explain the,psychological effects of early and late maturation in both boys and girls. [8 marks] c) What factors influence the development of identity in adolescents." [4 marks] QUESTION FIVE a) Describe the last three stages of personality development according to Erick Erickson. [9 marks] b) Explain the following concepts as they relate to adulthood. i) Midlife crisis ii) Mehopause iii) Climacteric syndrome c) Describe five physical changes in the late adulthood. AIRINAI ZAKAYO ILIPO,TH IE DELE GATE [8 marks] [6 marks] [5 marks]
- 1. (a) Explain the philosophical views about child development by Plato and Aristotle. (b)Explain the key milestones in language development during pre-speech stage. (4 marks) (4 marks) (c) Using retevant examples, explain the following concepts as used by Lev Vygotsky: (6. marks) Scaffolding ii. Zone of proximal development (d)With the use of appropriate examples, explain three types of childhood play. (4 marks) (e) .Referring to the rights of the child, explain two challenges feoed in implementing the rights. (6 marks) 2. Coinyave growth and development as used in developmental psychology. (4 marks) (b) Explain the following principles of devolopment. i. Development is a circzional and sequential process. (6 marks) it. Development is e result of maintion and learning. (6 marks) iii. Development proceeds Grom general to specific. (4 marks) 3. Discuss the three stages of presatal development outlizing the major schievements of ench. (14 monks)
- Citing examples, illustrate four ways in which physical development influences social development. (4 marks) Describe the first two stages of language development. (3 mark.) With reference to Lev Vygotsky, describe the following (8 marks) i. Zone of Proximol developtient ii. Scaffolding
- (c) (d) (c) (f) Describe one indicator for each of the following: i. Growth ii. Development Explain how the following may influence child dev.'opment: (4 marks) i. Nutrition ii. Sleep, rest and activity Suggest two challenges encountered in Kenya in the provision of children's rights. (2 marks) Describe the developmental milestones experienced during the first two weeks after fertilization. (4 marks) Describe two reflexes that newborns show immediately after birth. (4 marks) Describe two physical and physiological changes in girls during adolescence. (2 marks)
Помощь по медицинским назначениям
Разве не было бы здорово, если бы существовала электронная клиническая информация и инструменты поддержки принятия решений, которые могли бы помочь врачам быстро находить необходимую информацию, значительно сокращая количество медикаментозных и хирургических ошибок, вызванных неправильным принятием врачами решений? В настоящее время на рынке существует множество приложений для медицинских работников, которые могут вам помочь, и questionsai является естественным выбором из-за его передовых моделей и алгоритмов искусственного интеллекта.
Этот медицинский помощник представляет собой профессиональное медицинское информационное и инструментально-ориентированное клиническое приложение для принятия решений. Цель состоит в том, чтобы уменьшить количество ошибок, допускаемых врачами при назначении лекарств, и улучшить положение первичной медико-санитарной помощи. Он предоставляет две основные услуги: общие медицинские знания и информацию, а также аптечные инструменты преобразования и оценки для организаций первичной медико-санитарной помощи и врачей.