- 7. Hailunte ckopocts pacnpocTpaHeHHS 3Byka B MaTepHane, B KOTOPOM KOLIEGaHHA C nepHOHOM 0,01c Bbl3blBaloT 3ByKOBy10 BOTHY, MMelouylo M. 1) 0,2M/c 2) 200m/c 3) 400m/c 4) 2000m/c
- 3. Complete the sentences using the correct variant: 1. The ammeter is a) a common meter. b) an uncommon meter. 2. In order to measure the value of current a) the ohmmeter is used. b) the voltmeter is used. c) the ammeter is used. 3. A meter has a) positive terminals only. b) negative terminals only. c) positive and negative terminals. 4. When the ammeter is used 5. The ammeter should be connected 6. One should take into consideration that a) the circuit should be opened. b) the circuit should not be opened. a) in series. b) in parallel a) the positive terminal should be connected to the negative terminal. b) the positive terminal should be connected to the positive terminal of the source.
- 4. When the ammeter is used 5. The ammeter should be connected 6. One should take into consideration that a) the circuit should be opened. b) the circuit should not be opened. a) in series. b) in parallel. a) the positive terminal should be connected to the negative terminal. b) the positive terminal should be connected to the positive terminal of the source.
- 3. Complete the sentences using the correct variant: 1. The ammeter is 2. In order to measure the value of current 3. A meter has a) a common meter. b) an uncommon meter. a) the ohmmeter is used. b) the voltmeter is used. c) the ammeter is used. a) positive terminals only. b) negative terminals only. c) positive and negative terminals.
- 6) Um autocarro de 200m de comprimento desloca-se a uma velocidade de 60km/h e lava 10 segundos para passar um outro, que move em sentido oposto,sobre um trilho paralelos, a 30km/h. Determine o comprimento do segundo autocarro. Resposta: 50m.
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