- A7. Teno Maccovi 2 KT ABMXETCA CO CKOpOCTb10 3m/c. KaKOB MMnynbc Tena? 1) 5krcdot M/c 2) 6Krcdot M/c 1krcdot M/c 4) 18krcdot M/c A8. XokKezHan uai/6a Maccon 160 r neTMT CO CKOpOCTb+O 36KM/4. KakoBa ee KMHeTM YeCKa 3Heprua? 1) 1,6 fl>K, 2) 104 fl>K, 3) 0,8square x, 4) 8square x
- A5. Kakoe yckopeHne rnpuoóperaer reno Maccon 5 Kr non geñcTBMeM CH/1b!20 H? 1) 0,25m/c^2 2) 4m/c^2 2,5m/c^2 4) 50m/c^2 A6. 4enoBeK Be3 AByx O2MHaKOBbIX geTeủ Hà CaHKaX no ropy3oHTanbHON Hopore.3aTeM c CaHOK BCTan OZMH pe6eHOK Ho yenoBex npogonxan 1B WKeHne c TON X nocToAHHOM CKOpOCTB10. Kak M3MeHM/1aCb cuna TpeHua npu 3TOM? 1) He 13 MeHNI lacb 2) yBenuwnacb B 2 pasa 3) yMeHbuMnacb B 2 pasa 4) yBenu4unacb Hà 50%
- The Universe and Man No1.Read and translate the text: All the planets in the solar system orbit (or move around) the Sun. When planets orbit the Sun, they don't move around in a perfect circle. They all follow an "elliptical path", meaning it looks more like an oval. The Earth's orbit takes 365 days. This means it takes the Earth 365 days to completely go around the Sun. One year is the time it takes for the Earth to orbit the Sun. While the Earth orbits the Sun, it is also spinning or rotating on its own axis. The axis is the invisible line that goes straight down the Earth from the North to the South pole. It takes 24 hours (one day)for the Earth to rotate on its axis. If we take a look at the Earth out in space, we will see that it doesn't sit up straight. It's slightly tilted. This tilt means Earth is never the same distance from the Sun. Sometimes it's closer and sometimes it's further away. To get a better understanding of these two movements,imagine you are spinning a basketball on your finger, that".s like the Earth spinning on its axis.Your finger is the axis. While you spin the basketball imagine walking around somebody , the person you walk around is like the Sun. That's how the Earth moves in space! Spinning on its axis and orbiting the Sun at the same time. Fun facts: The Earth moves about 67,000 miles per hour through space. The closest distance the Earth is to the Sun is called perihelion.The furthest distance the Earth is to the Sun is called aphelion. Because the Earth is tilted on its axis we have different seasons. No2. Answer the questions: 1. How long does it take for the Earth to travel around the Sun? 2. The Earth's orbit is elliptical. This means it is shaped like an __ 3. What is the name of the invisible line that goes straight down the Earth from the North to the South pole? 4. How long does it take the Earth to rotate on its axis? 5. What is the closest distance the Earth is to the Sun? 6. What is the furthest distance the Earth is to the Sun? 7. How quickly does Earth move through space?
- Choose the corred answer: Bbl6epnTe onuH OTBeT: a. . a particle has positive charge b. y (gamma) - rays are electromagnetic waves c. y-rays are the flux of neutrons d. y(gamma)-rays have negative charge
- X-rays are Bbl6epure oAnH OTBeT: a. electromagnetic waves with long wavelengths more than 800 nm b. the flux of electrons moving with high velocities c. electromagnetic waves with short wavelengths from 10^-4 nm to 80 nm d. mechanical waves with short wavelengths
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