- How to eliminate systematic errors? it is necessary to measure the investigated parameter several times with the same device before the experiment . it is necessary to check the used device in a specialized laboratory involve a colleague to take measurements completely systematic errors cannot be avoided
- What determine the format of the experimental value being studied - what does its accuracy depend on? It depends on all numerical data in the formula used for the calculation It depends on the accuracy of all indirect me in the experiment It depends on the format of all direct measurements involved in calculating the desired value an experimental result is always rounded freely,at the will of the exper imenter
- The formula for calc ulat ing the velocity is presented in the form: V=S/t S is the me asur ed di stan ce that the body has traveled in time t. Indicate what type of me asur emen ts each of them belongs to? V is square S is square t is square
- 14. MaccoBasi 110,15 Harpus 1. 45% 2. 11,3% 3. 32,7% 4. 48,8%
- In th exp erim ent, the motion of a body was inv eati gate d. an a resu It of whic h the aver age speed and its absolute rror wer e obtaine d bar (V)=312.0m/s Delta bar (V)=20.483ldots m/s Plea se in dica to the c orre at reco rd of the final rea ult o { thì a exp erim lent V=(312.0+20.5)m/s V=(312pm 20.48)m/s V=(312.0-21)m/s V=(312.0pm 20.5)m/s V=(312pm 20.483)m/s V=(312.0pm 20.4)m/s
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