- Aswrasics B snextpuvectom none 3nextpoH ysenuwin cBoro cKOpOCTS c 2000km/c no 3000km/C. 3apan anextpoHa 1,6cdot 10^-19K , Macca 3nekTpoHa 9,1cdot 10^-31 KI Kakosa pa3HOCTS noreHuManos ToukaMn nytu? Bbibepure opuH orger: A. -10^6B B approx 23cdot 10^-19B C. approx 15B D =30B
- locity under uniform motion is ated as Vclocity(V)=(Distance (l))/(Time (t)) y the correct statements: V, 1,t are direct measuremen ts V. t are indirect measure ment s 1,t are direct meas urem ents V, I are direct meas urem ents V is indirect mea sure ment V, 1 ,t are indirect meas urem ents
- The velocity under uniform motion is calculated as Velocity(V)=(Distance (l))/(Time(t)) Specify the correct statem ents:
- In the course of the experiment to determine the viscosity of the test liquid , the average value of the viscosity coefficient and the value of its absolute error we re obtained bar (eta )=0.93Pacdot s Delta bar (eta )=0.07895ldots Pacdot s Choose the correct record of the final result of this experiment
- Indirect measurement is __ measurement as a result of direct mathematical calculation measurement that depends on the skill of the e xperimenter measurement obtained directly by means of measuring instruments
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