- La tradition morale et religieuse islamique se caractérise par: A ) inégalité des rôles de l'homme et de la femme dans la société B les intérêts sociopolitiques dominants de l'état C priorité du libre arbitre humain D ) orientation vers le Coran et l'ensemble des lois canoniques de I'Islam E priorité du libre arbitre humain
- Utilitarian Approach in Ethical Philosophy Select one or more answers: D always puts pleasure first is often criticized for the fact that utilitarians are willing to sacrificing the good of the majority for abstract principles claims that it is possible to find a certain universal model moral behavior for all people, comparing this or that action, we could judge whether it is right or wrong all faithfully it can, for example be expressed in the biblical principle "do not make for yourself an idol" D Everything is wrong does not admit that a person should follow the laws of morality
- The Idea of the Categorical Imperative in Ethical Philosophy I. Kant Select one or more answers: Everything is wrong implies following a certain maxim (rule), outside of the whether or not it will benefit the person implies that at the basis of any moral act Goodwill must lie allows you to use another person as a A Means to a Good End is based on the concept of duty (deon)which dates back to the ancient Philosophy That's right is based on the well-known principle "the end justifies the means" is categorically unintelligent (incomprehensible) within the framework of Philosophy Course
- The meaning of human life, according to eudaimonism , consists in Select one answer: Fight with tyranny Exeedom from bodily suffering and mental anxiety Committing heroic deeds Service God
- The doctrine of a single substance, which is the couse of the very himself, i.e. by God and nature at the same time __ Select one answer: F. Feuerbach B. Spinoza G. Leibniz R. Descartes
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