- Situational Problems 1. What are the numbers of carbon atoms derived from the first acctyl-CoA that bindstof cutyacid synthase complex in palmitate, the end product of the pathway? For the hiswer: a) name the initial substrates for fauy acid synthesis and their source; b) draw the reactions of the first spiral of faity acid synthesis; b) mark the carbon atoms (") derived from the first acctyl-CoA in the product of the first spiral of fatty acid synthesis: c) answer the question of the problem. 2. After getting 300 of carbohydrates with her meal, a student went to bcd. What metabolic pathways of fauty acids have been activated in the liver about an hour after having a meal?For the answer: a) describe the glucose metabolism in the liver in this condition; b) name the metabolic pathway of fauy acids which has been activated; c) draw the scheme of this pathway and explain the fate of the end products of the pathway in the liver; d) explain the regulation of the pathway. 3. A patient has got excess carbohydrate meal for the years and gain the weight. To explain this: a) draw the schemes of TAG synthesis in the liver; b) describe the transport of TAG from the liver to adipose tissue; c) describe the functions of insulin in the conversion of glucosc to TAG in the liver and adiposc tissue. 4. Glucosccontaining "Catoms was addedtoisolated hepatocylesinar experiment. If the elucose was added in excess, the rate of triacylelyecrol synthesis increased. The determination of carbon atoms in the triacylelycerol molecule confirmed that all carbon atoms in glyccrol and fatty acids were {}^14C atoms. Explain the results of the experiment. For that: a) name the metabolices required for triacylelyccrol synthesis which are produced by glucosc catabolism: b) draw the scheme of glucose catabolism to metabolites required for triacylglyccrol synthesis which would explain the appearance of {}^14C atoms in the triacylelyecrol molccule; c) draw the scheme representing the conversion of extra glucose to triacylglyccrols in the liver. 5. One student has got 300 e of carbohydrates and 50 g of proteins with dinner. another -300g of carbohydrates and 50 g of fats.Both did not carry out any physical activity. Explain the difference in the lipoprotein composition in their blood one hour after the meal. For the answer: a) name all types of lipoproteins and describe their structure and functions: b) draw, the schemes explaining the difference in the lipoprotcin formation in both students: c) name the methods used for lipoprotcins.analysis o'scrum blood; d) draw the scheme of electrophoresis of serum lipoproteins for both students.
- 1. La respiration est un ensemble de processus qui acomplissent 1) consommation d O_(2) par l'organisme 2) échange de gaz d'O_(2) et de CO_(2) 3) excrétion du CO_(2) et d'autres produits métaboliques gazeux de l'organisme 4. L'échange de gaz entr l'air alvéolaire et l'atmosphère c'est 1) ventilation pulmonaire 2) excursion pulmonaire 3)perfusion pulmonaire 4) respiration tissulaire 7. Ou'est ce qui inclut la 3ème étape de la respiration 1)transport O2 des poumons aux tissus 2) ventilation pulmonaire 3) échange de gaz entre le sang et les tissus 4) respiration tissulaire 10. L'espace hermétique entre le diaphragme et le carcasse musculo- squelettique c'est 1) cavité pleurale 2) cavité thoracique 3) médiastin postérieur 4) médiastin antérieur 13. Les principaux muscles qui assurent une respiration 1) diaphragme et muscles intercostaux externes 2) diaphragme et muscles intercostaux internes 3) muscles abdominaux 4) muscles intercostaux externes et internes 16. Comment change la pression dans la cavité pleurale pendant l'inspiration 1) augmente 2) ne change pas 3) diminue 19. La pression partielle est 1) pression d'un seul composent dans le mélange gaseux 2) pression dans les alvéoles 3) pression dans la cavité pleurale 4) différence entre la pression atmosphérique et la pression dans les alvéoles 22. Le transfert d'O2 entre l'air alvéolaire et le sang est effectué par 1) transport actif 2)diffusion 3) transporteur spécifique 4) convection
- 1. What are the numbers of carbon atoms derived from the first acctyl-CoA that bindsto fattyacid synthase complex in palmitate, theend productofthe pathway? For the answer: a) name the initial substrates for fauy acid synthesis and their source; b) draw the reactions of the first spiral of fatty acid synthesis; b) mark the carbon atoms ('') derived from the first accryl -CoA in the product of the first spiral of fauy acid synthesis: c) answer the question of the problem. 2. After getting 300 of carbohydrates with her meal, a studenthint to bed. What metabolic pathways of faity acids have been activated in the liver about an hour after having a meal?For the answer: a) describe the elucose metabolism in the liver in this condition: b) name the metabolic pathway of fatty acids which has been activated; c) draw the scheme of this pathway and explain the fate of the end products of the pathway in the liver: d) explain the regulation of the pathway. 3. A patient has got cicess carbohydrate meal for the years and gain the weight.To explain this: a) draw the schemes of TAG synthesis in the liver. b) describe the transport of TAG from the liver to adipose tissue; c) describe the functions of insulin in the conversion of elucosc to TAG in the liver and adipose tissue 4. Glucosc containing "Catoms was addedioisolated hepatocytes nanexperiment If the plucose was added in excess, the rate of triacylelyecrol synthesis increased The determination of carbon atoms in the triacylglycerol molccuk confirmed that all carbon atoms in elyecrol and fatty acids were {}^11C atoms. Explain the results of the experiment. For that: a) name the metabolites required for triacylebecrol synthesis which are produced by glucose catabolism: b) draw the scheme of elucose catabolism to metabolites required for tracylelyccrol synthesis which would explain the appearance of {}^11C atoms in the triacylglyecrol molceule: e)draw the schome representing the conversion of extra elucose to triacylglyccrols in the liver 5. One student has got 300 g of carbohydrates and 50 g of protcins with dinner. another -300g of carbohydrates and 50 s of fats.Both did not carry out any physical activity. Explain the difference in the lipoprotein composition in their blood one hour after the meal.For the answer. a) name all types of lipoproteins and describe their structure and functions: b) draw, the schemics explaining the difference in the lipoprotcin formation in both students: c) name the methods used for lipoproteins analysis of serum blood: d) draw the scheme of electrophoresis of strum lipoprotcins for both students.
- The following is necessary for transcription: ribosomes RNA polymerase ribonucleotides DNA polymerase amino acids
- Sister chromatids diverge to the cell poles in: telophase of mitosis anaphase of mitosis anaphase I of meiosis prophase of mitosis metaphase I of meiosis
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