- Dans quelle phase du developpemen t microbien le nombre de cellules microbiennes viables reste-t-il a peu pres constant dans le temps en raison de l'adaptation et de l'absence de division? LAG-phase LOG-phase en phase de mort en phase stationnaire
- Can You Match These Words to Their Definitions? to perform tests or Investigations to discover new Information or confirm existing knowledge __ __ __ __ DNA that determines how an organism __ __ blackboard not cleans, capable of growth reproduction __ __ alive affect hereditary __ Identical __ carry out expertments __ associated consecutive __ genetic code evolve environmental changes offsprings __ living orpanism units of heredity that cerry Information from parents to offspring, determining traths like eye colour or __ something else, often __ the young produced by living organisms, particularly reference to children or descendents __ __ divolop producely, often into a more advanced or complex term __ another in a sequence without Interruption to give a portlon of something to others or to use something together with others. __ to have an influence on someone or something causing them to change In some way. __ __ soclety or polities. way something works or organised, espedially in __ (4) to change behaviourer characteristics in order to survive in a new environment or shutton __ alterations in the natural world that can affect living organisms, such as dimate skifts or habits.lost __ the gradual process by which living things change over time to become better whited to their __ the struggle between living organisms to obtain anough nouristment to survive. (A) In the wild aplit __ share __ (B) dectine Inherit race competition for food adapt successive generation genes __ __ a decrease in quantity.quality, or atrength over time __ connected by blood or family tim often found in a particular area.
- Bonpoc No 13 Quelle est la particularité de la respiration de Biote? 1. I'apnee alterne avec des mouvements respiratoires de profondeur croissante puis decroissante respiration rare avec inspiration iet expiration accrues respiration bruyante profonde Tapnee alterne aveo des mouvements respiratoires de meme profondeur
- Paper 11 1. Definition of the terms "affinity", "avidity" and "valency". 2. Agglutination reaction. Definition.Ingredients Mechanism of reaction. Different types of agglutination reaction Definition of the term "titer of agglutinating serum". 3. Classification of techniques of ELISA. 4. What is the basic principle in preparation of live vaccines and who suggested it? What does it mean "attenuated strain "? What are the requirements for vaccine strain used for production of live vaccine? Immunity Vaccines
- The final task , Option No. 2 I. Test tasks with one answer option (circle the correct answer) 1. What's the difference between sport and physical education? a. Only professionals do sports; Lb. There are competitions in sports; c. Sport is harmful to health: 2. What's the fastest energy? a. Creatine phosphate; b. Carbohydrates; c. Fats. 3. What's the longest Olympic distance in athletics? a. 10.000 m run; b. marathon; c. race walking 50 km. 4. Why do they say that the marathon starts from the 35^th kilometer? a. The body switches to energy supply from fat; b. It becomes psychologically difficult; c. Body runs out of creatine phosphate. 11. Open question (short answer) 1. What are the 5 main physical characteristics of a human? __
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