- 3. The dioxygenas pathway of oxidation . Differences from the monooxidase pathway.Examples of reactions. Cofactors and coenzymes of the process. Antioxidants Mcchanisms of antioxidant defence (AOP) their classification. Pro-oxidants . Mcchanisms of peroxidation of phospholipids of cell membranes , proteins and nucleic acids. Formation of malonic dialdchyde and diene conjugates.
- 2 Disassociation of oxidation and phosphorylation Endogenous and exogenous uncouplers.Mechanism of Inhibitors of tissue respiration complexes.Oxygen toxicity . Active forms of oxygen . Mechanism of their formation.Mechanism of cell membrane damage Antioxidants.
- 3. The dioxygenase pathway of oxidation . Differences from the monooxidase pathway . Examples of reactions . Cofactors and coenzymes of the process. Antioxidant:5. Mechanisms of antioxidan t defence (AOP) their classification. Pro-oxidants of peroxidation of phospholipids of cell membranes,proteins and nucleic acids .Formation of malonic dialdehyde and diene conjugates.
- 1. Give a definition of the following terms: NADPH_(2) Ubiquinone Fructosemia
- Class 3. Synthesis of faity acids. Synthesis of triacylglycerol and phospholipids, synthesis of cholesterol 1. Describe de novo fatty acid biosynthesis. __ Sources of acetyl CoA as a precursor and the main ways of it s synthesis: __ __ become __ __ disappointed
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