- Educational and research task 3. Basic principles and mechanisms of digestion regulation. Nervous regulation 1. The somatic nervous system regulates __ , the first and second phases of swallowing, defecation. The nerve centers include the motor nuclei of the __ __ segments. cranial nerves and 2. Autonomous (autonomic)nervous system 2.1 Sympathetic division (nerve centers: lateral homs __ ,mediator - __ __ the motility of the stomach and intestines ( __ adrenergic receptors), reduces their sphincters ( __ - adrenergic receptors), __ the secretion of enzymes in the digestive glands , slows down the suction. 2.2 Parasympathetic division (centers: posterior nucleus of the __ nerve, salivatory nuclei of the __ and __ nerves, S __ ) stimulates motility and tone, relaxes sphincters, stimulates the secretion of digestive juices , the absorption process, hormone secretion by the diffuse endocrine system.Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers the vagus and pelvic nerves are innervated by intramural ganglia neurons: o cholinergic (mediator- __ ,-cholinergic receptors), which have an exciting effect; - peptidergic neurons (for example, mediator - __ . have mainly an inhibitory effect; - purinergic neurons (mediator . __ ), have an inhibitory effect.
- Module 5. DIGESTION 5.1. DIGESTION IN ORAL CAVITY AND STOMACH. Educational and research task 1. Define the digestive process Determine the main types and functions of digestion. __ Digestion is a set of processes that ensure the __ into the body,its mechanical and chemical processing to __ If followed by their absorption into the blood. Digestion deprives nutrients of __ and __ , while preserving their plastic and energy functions. Types of digestion by the origin of enzymes: 1. __ (due to enzymes contained in food). 2. __ (microflora enzymes). 3. __ (enzymes synthesized by the body). By localization of enzymes 1. __ (lysosomal) 2. __ :
- Cytomegalovirus sialoadenitis . what cells are :characteristic 1) Reed -Berezovsky -Sternberg 2)lymphocytes 3) large cells with a light rim around the nucleus 4)macrophages 5) Virchow
- In permanent set there are four __ in each jaw. Select one: a. molars D. cisors c. premolars d. bicaspids e. canines
- 3. The dioxygenase pathway of oxidation . Differences from the monooxidase pathway Examples of reactions. Cofactors and coenzymes of the pridase Antioxidants . Mechanisms of antioxidant defence (AOP) their classification. Proxoxidants. Mechanisms of peroxidation of phospholipids of cell membranes.proteins and nucleic acids. Formation of malonic dialdchyde and diene conjugates.
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