- MODULEZDAY-CATONE 3"MAYZO17 TIME 2.00732.20 PM CTIONS Inswer ALL the questions ime allowed is one and a half hours ood hnndwriting and full explonations helps earn marke NONE appose you are the CEO of Kenya Breweries Limited. Define and state any one mpany's: Explicit goal and an implicit goal (8 morks) A societal goal and a system goal (8 marks) An improvement goal and a stability goal (8 marks; Define an organization and explain why we need to know about orga niza:inns rks) Why do organizations enter into inter organizational relationshus:(10 mark: Define and explain the importance of organization theiry to practicing min:ge Two lain the meaning and the importance of the open systems epproach to mana anizations ( 10 marks) gonizotions are complex systems'Explain the meanin: and the significance of ement (10 marks)
- 5. Read the text and check your answers in the previous activity. WHAT IS ECONOMICS Let's face it: If there's one fundamental principle guiding life on earth , it's searcity. There simply aren't enough beachfront houses , luxury cars, and seats at the theater for everyone who wants one! And on a more serious note, there's not enough food, clothing, and medical care for everyone who needs it. The entire discipline of economics-and all economic activity-arises from a scarcity of goods and services in comparison to human wants and needs. If there is not enough of something for everyone who wants or needs it, society faces a serious problem: it has to make decision about some basic economic questions. Throughout history there have always been people who obtained what they wanted or needed by force*. The barbarians who sacked Rome practiced this form of "economic activity," and in modern times it is practiced by armed robbers But a society requires an orderly system of producing and distributing the necessities and luxuries of life . Such a system is essential to a stable society. Economics is the study of systems of production and distribution-which are called economies-and of their fundamentals, dynamics, and results
- Question Five a) Citing relevant examples ,discuss Three principles of curriculum design (15 mks) b) Explain fize school factors that should be looked into during situational/content analysis in the curriculum development process (5 mks)
- 5. Read the text and check your answers in the previous activity. WHAT IS ECONOMICS Let's face it: If there's one fundamental principle guiding life on earth , it's scarcity. There simply aren't enough beachfront houses luxury cars, and seats at the theater for everyone who wants one! And on a more serious note, there's not enough food, clothing, and medical care for everyone who needs it. The entire discipline of economics-and all economic activity-arises from a scarcity of goods and services in comparison to human wants and needs. If there is not enough of something for everyone who wants or needs it, society faces a serious problem: it has to make decision about some basic economic questions. Throughout history there have always been people who obtained what they wanted or needed by force*. The barbarians who sacked Rome practiced this form of "economic activity," and in modern times it is practiced by armed robbers But a society requires an orderly system producing and distributing the necessities and luxuries of life Such a system is essential to a stable society. Economics is the study of systems of production and distribution -which are called economies-and of their fundamentals, dynamics, and results __ by force cunou *orderly system ynopaoouennaa cucmema.
- 11. What is the law of demand? a) As the price of a good rises, the quantity demanded increases b) As the price of a good rises, the quantity demanded decreases c) As the price of a good declines.the quantity demanded decreases d) There is no relationship between price and quantity demanded 12. When representing supply and demand on a graph. what does the intersection of the two curves indicate? a) Equilibrium price and quantity b) Maximum price c) Price floor d) Consumer surplus 13. What does a higher NPV value indicate about an investment project? a) Lower profitability. b) Longer payback period. c) Higher profitability. d) Unpredictable future cash flows. 14. Which formula is used to calculate NPV? a) NPV=Future Value-Cash outtlow b) NPV=Future Value/(1+r)^wedge n c) NPV=(1+r)^wedge n-1 d) NPV=sum (Future Value/(1-r)^wedge n) Initial investment 15. Which of the following is true about NPV? a) A positive NPV indicates that the project's return exceeds its cost of capital. b) A negative NPV indicates that the project will be profitable. c) NPV is not affected by the discount rate d) NPV does not take into account the time value of money. 16. What are some elements of the internal environment that managers operate within? a) Corporate culture, production technology, organizational structure, and physical facilities. b) External environment, market trends, customer preferences, and supplier relationships. c) Financial performance, marketing strategies, and competitive analysis, d) Employee motivation, leadership styles. and team dynamics. 17. "Opportunity cost" in healthcare refers to: a) actual monetary cost of providing service b) the value of the best alternative forgone when a decision is made c) the cost of marketing a new healthcare product d) The difference between the price charged and the cost of production 18. What is the purpose of a "SWOT analysis in healthcare management? a) To assess the strengths weaknesses. opportunities, and threats facing an organization. b) To calculate the return on investment for a new project. c) To determine the optimal staffing levels for a hospital department. d) To evaluate the effectiveness of a marketing campaign 19. Which of the following is an example of a "fixed cost" for a hospital? a) The cost of medications used by patients. b) The cost of disposable gloves and supplies. c) The salaries of nurses working overtime. d) The mortgage payment on the hospital building 20. What is the purpose of a "SWOT analysis in healthcare management? a) To assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats facing an organization. b) To calculate the return on investment for a new project. c) To determine the optimal staffing levels for a hospital department. d) To evaluate the effectiveness of a marketing campaign
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