- Lesen Sie die Aufgaben 1-20 Wahlen Sie die richtige Losung. Passen Sie auf Es gibt nur eine richtige Antwort 1. Was erhielt Erich Kastner fur saine guten Leistungen? das Siberne Stipendium de Stud Dresden das Goldene Stipencium de Stad: Oresden cas Bronzene Stipendium dat Stadt Dresden 16ana 2.Wann hat Erich Kastner sein Studium in Leipzig beendet? 1924 1925 1923 16ana 3. Was hat Erich Kastner nicht studiert? Theatenwistenschalt Psychologie Philosophie 16ann 4. Wicheist das 1933 veroffentlichte Buch von Erich Kastner? Der Regende Hollinder Derflicgende Teppich Des fuegende Klassenzimmer 16an
- KTO VI3 3TUX ncTopn4eckux nuHocrev noceulan HanbHuu BocTok? Bbl6epv HecKonbKO OTBeTOB. A. 17. 4exoB 10. A. TarapuH B. U.JleHuH M. Topbknu
- 8. IIocmynamon nubepanbHoi uòeonozuu signstemcx npu3HaHue 6 Kauecm Be 8blculei yeHHocmu A)nesTeHne Ha 3JIHTY H HOTYHHCHHbIX b) HH2MBH/TyaTbHb X IIpaB H CBO60,1 JIH4HOCTH B)connastbHore HapTHepCTBa T) IIpHHIHHIIa paBeHCTBa B 3KOHOMHYeCKO Y I IIOJIHTHYeCKOH cpepax T) KOMHTeTbI Tocy HapcTBeHHOH AYMBI 9. Ilocmynamon Koncep8amu8H0 ii uoeonozuu 8828emcx npu3HaHue A) TparmunoHHOe nerentre o6IIIeCTBa Ha 3DHT b) KuaccoBo& 6op56b B Ka4ecTBe IIBHTATEJIS HCTOPHH o6IIIecTBa Ha pCTBytompre KJIaCCLI T) paBeHCTBa craptoBblx BO3MOXKHOCTe# JUIS Bcex 10. LonoicHocmb npembep-MuHucmpa omcymcmsyem 8 A) B) cMemaHHON pecny6JIHKe b) npe3H/LeHTCKO pecny6JIHKe D KOHCTHTYILHOHHOP ( MOHapXHH 11. Omeemcr nenbcm6a nepeo napnameHmo slenslemcs omnuumenbHbLN npu A) napjiaMeHTCKO) B)pecuy6JIHKe pecny6JIHKe I`)MOHapXHH 12 . IIpeocmasumenbems.Ha MexcoynapoòHoi apeHe exooum cocmae d A) TOJIbKO rocy IIapCTBa B) JIto6oro rocy IapcTBa b) TOJIbKO T) TOJIbKO COBpeMeHHbI rocy rape
- First question 1. Peoples and states of Eastern Europe before the settlement of the Eastern Slavs. 2. Origin and settlement of the Slavs, formation of the Ancient Russian state. 3. Ancient Russian state of the 9th-10th centuries. The first Russian princes Igor and Oleg 4. Ancient Russian state in the second half of the 10th century. Olga, Syyatoslav 5. Reforms of St. Vladimir Christianization of Rus 6. The rise of Ancient Rus. Yaroslav the Wise 7. The beginning of the collapse of Ancient Rus.Yaroslavichs, the activities of Vladimir Monomakh. 8. Epoch of fragmentation: Galicia-Volyn , Vladimir-Suzdal Rus, Novgorod lands 9. Culture of Ancient Rus. 10. Batu's invasion. Russian-Golden Horde relations 13-15th centuries. 11. The struggle of the Russian people against German and Swedish expansion in the 13th-15th centuries. 12. North-Eastern Rus in the 13th - early 14th centuries. Decline of Vladimir The rise of new cities: Moscow and Tver 13. The reasons for the formation of a centralized state and the rise of Moscow 14. Moscow principality of the first half of the 14th century. Ivan Kalita. 15. Russian lands in struggle against Golden Horde. Dmitry Donskoy 16. Moscow principality of the 15th century. Vasily I,Vasily the Dark Second question 17. The Moscow state late 15th - early 16th centuries. Ivan III and Vasily III. 18. Beginning of the reign of Ivan IV. Reforms of the Izbrannaya Rada. 19. Oprichnina: causes, events, consequences. 20. Foreign policy of Ivan the Terrible. 21. Culture of Rus 13-16th centuries 22. Time of Troubles of the Moscow State. 23. Restoring the country after the Time of Troubles Mikhail Fedorovich and Patriarch Filaret 24. Alexcy Mikhailovich. Domestic policy.Schism of the Russian Church 25. Russian foreign policy in the second half of the 17th century. On the path to Empire 26. Preconditions for Peter's reforms Russia at the end of the 17th century. 27. Culture of Russia in the 17th century. 28. Foreign policy of Peter I. 29. Peter's military and state reforms.
- (rounas Aara) Chanaperma __ (crpanbe) 3anage c centropa 1939 f. no Mari 1941 __ 3.Kaxwe crpanbi ne 6binn __ 4. Onpenenure no cnen onar enbHOCTb Me 2)MroHxeHCKan. 3)KpbiMckan. 4)Terepancka? __ Kakan H3 HMX Bbinapaer 113 o6uiero pana? __ 5. FAe (crpana) __ H Koraa (roA) __ 6wn orkpoir sropoin ppowt B 3anaznoã Espone? KaK no orkpbitwo stoporo (ppoita? __ Hecrpeva coro3H4KOB Ha 3nb6e .2/nèpn-Xap6op. 8 AppeHHax. __ 7. 4ro npou3ouino 6 n 9 aBrycra 1945 r.? __ 8. Kro us nepewacnenthb nunepos CORBHANON TO ANTWTTTRPOSCKOK KKOMMUMK 1) 11. CranmH. 2). PpaHKO. 3) y. 4epunnb. 4)III.Ae Tonnb. 5)(BO3MO)KHbI HeCKO/bKO nmen) __ 9.4ro rakoe: 1) axonokocra __ uaSapage 2) aMopeko __ 3) unerig-nu3i __ co6btriven-3asepuw/acb Bropan MMpoRar 10.Koraa Bonita? __
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История – предмет, который одним интересен, а другим скучен. В то время как некоторые студенты в восторге от различных событий, сражений и ярких личностей прошлого, другим очень трудно запомнить хронологию сражений, имена влиятельных лидеров и обширную информацию, которую предлагает предмет.
К счастью, благодаря этим вопросам и ответам по истории вам легко вспомнить некоторые важные события и точное время, когда они произошли. Не волнуйтесь слишком сильно, даже если от имен этих ключевых людей у вас закружится голова. В нашей справке по домашним заданиям по истории есть функция ассоциации искусственного интеллекта, которая свяжет их с некоторыми интересными историями, чтобы помочь вам лучше их запомнить.