- 9 Are these statements true or false? Correct the false ones. 1. The Temple of Artemis is one of the Seven Wonders of the World. 2. It is situated in Greece. 3. Its columns are made of bronze. 4. The temple was founded in 550 BC. 5. It was built in honour of a Greek queen. 6. Today it is a museum which houses many works of art, including four ancient bronze statues of Amazons. 7. The temple was used as a marketplace. 8. The people could sell and buy earrings bracelets and necklaces there. 9. In 401 AD the Temple of Artemis was torn down by St John Chrysostom and then rebuilt. 10. It is the most beautiful museum in the world.
- 1. Y Kakux RBMrarenea CUCTeMa ypaneHMA KaprepHbik ra308 coepy. HeHā C BblnycKHbIM TpaKTOM? 2. Inn Kakon yenu ucnonb3osanacb nyna? 3. Inn Kakon yenu u Kak B RBMraTenb BA3 B BO3RYUHbII chunbrp nonavor nogorperbili BO3RYX? 4. KaK B cucremax Bbinycka OT aBTOMOGMnez obecne4usaror non- BUXHOCT6 CORRIMHEHW?Tpy6onpoBogoB? 5. KaK B ABurarennx obecne4MBaeTCR BbICOKa?HanonHReMOCTb UM- THHRDOE ropro-4e0 CMECblO or or? 6. Kak Aeñcreyer perynatop nopayn gononHMTenbHoro Boapyxa? 7. C Kakon yenbro narpy6ku BbinycKHOTO Konnekropa coepuHRIOT no- napHo (nepBbli Bropon - Tperua)? 8. KaK coeguHeH c Tpy6onposozoM Aar-uk a5contoTHoro RaBneHNR Bo3Ayxa? 9. Y KaKux ABMrareneo peunpkynaunu Or? 10. Kak ycTpoeH oxnaputenb Boanyxa?
- on 58 a tion One of the reasons for the abolition of serfdom was: Select one answer: Dissatisfaction of the majority of representatives of the nobility by the labor of serfs The government's awareness of the inhibition the impact of serfdom on the country's economy Demand of the bourgeoisie to the government Increase the class of wage earners The Church's Condemnation of Forced Labor People
- Question 58 Select one answer Dissatisfaction of the majority of representatives of the nobility by the labor of serfs The government's awareness of the inhibition the impact of serfdom on the country's economy Demand of the bourgeoisie to the government Increase the class of wage earners The Church's Condemnation of Forced Labor People The annexation of part of Poland with Warsaw to the Russian Empire took place after Russia's participation in: Select one answer the third partition of Poland in 1795 Seven Years' War wars of 1812-1814 Northern War Wars of 1805-1807 The two program documents of the Northern and Southern Societies were: Select one or more answers Russkaya Pravda Charter of the Russian Empire Constitution of N. Muravyov Veche Statute
- Question 55 Incomplete Weight 1 Mark a question Question 56 Incomplete Weight I Mark a question Question 57 Incomplete Weight 1 Marka question What was the main political orientation of the initial strategy of Perestroika? Liquidation of the monopoly of the CPSU on power "More democracy, more socialism" transition to a presidential form of government Transition to the Western model of development The event of the Civil War was __ Select one answer: the defeat of the Army of P.N Wrangel and the liberation of the Crimea Battle of Kursk Brusilov Offensive Battle of Borodino What was the form of government in Russia in the XVI century? Select one answer: republic monarchy
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История – предмет, который одним интересен, а другим скучен. В то время как некоторые студенты в восторге от различных событий, сражений и ярких личностей прошлого, другим очень трудно запомнить хронологию сражений, имена влиятельных лидеров и обширную информацию, которую предлагает предмет.
К счастью, благодаря этим вопросам и ответам по истории вам легко вспомнить некоторые важные события и точное время, когда они произошли. Не волнуйтесь слишком сильно, даже если от имен этих ключевых людей у вас закружится голова. В нашей справке по домашним заданиям по истории есть функция ассоциации искусственного интеллекта, которая свяжет их с некоторыми интересными историями, чтобы помочь вам лучше их запомнить.