- Question 40 Incomplete Weight I Marka question Question 41 Incomplete Weight 1 Mark a question Question 42 Incomplete Weight 1 a. Marka question Question 43 By the beginning of the XX century in Russia Unlike most European countries, there was no __ Select one answer: People's Representation Body Monopolistic associations Railways Universal military service What was the result of Prince Oleg's campaign against Constantinople? Select one answer: Conclusion of a trade treaty with Byzantium Capture of Constantinople by the Rus C Conclusion of a treaty with Byzantium on military Union The death of Prince Oleg during the campaign and the defeat Russ Install correspondence (the formation of serfdom in Russia) Decree of Ivan IV (O protected years) Sudebnik of Ivan III (St. George's Day) Decree of Fyodor Ivanovich (On Lesser Years) The Code of Law of Ivan IV (St. George's Day is confirmed, but the size of the "elderly"is increased) Select prelect... 1649 1581 1550 1597 1607 Decree of Vasily Shuisky (On the Extension of the Term of Time Years) Sobornoye Ulozhenie Alexe Mikhailovich (Cancellation of Regular Years)
- Question 36 TYHC PYAL The economic transformations of the government of Malenkov G.M. implied: departure from the socialist principles of economic development of the USSR orientation towards the development of heavy industry only. shifting the orientation from heavy industry to light industry and agriculture. What was the name of the group of like-minded people of Ivan IV. who helped him in carrying out the reforms of the the Council of State The Elected Rada Zemsky Sobor: the Boyar Duma: a secret committee Which minister of the Provisional Government was associated with the April government crisis of 1917 Guchkov Nekrasov Kerensky: Milyukov. According to the decision of the Congress of Vienna in 1815, Russia acquired. Select one answer Bessarabia Finland Kingdom of Poland Imeret
- Question 31 incomplete Question 32 Incomplete 10. Mark a question Question 33 Incomplete Weight 1 at Marka question Select one answer. Building socialism introduction of a multi-party system Building, Developed Socialism introduction of the post of President of the USSR During the reign of Nicholas I, there was. Select one or inore answers: Patriotic War with Napoleon A Codification of laws Crimean War Establishment of the State Counol Russia's preparation for war with Japan was: Select one answer: thorough and successfully completed by the beginning of the War thoughtful and thorough, but did not have time to be completed by the beginning of the war III-conceived, bad and not completed by the beginning of the war
- Two measures testifying to the formation of an absolute monarchy in Russia were Select one or more answers Termination of the convocation of Zemsky Sobors Abolition of the Patnarchate Establishment of ministries Strengthening the role of the boyars Who was the first emperor? Select one answer Nan the Terrible Peteri Ivan III Alexander i On which stratum of society did the Unien of October 17 party rely? Select one answer Work petry bourgeoisie Landlords peasantry big bourgeoisie
- uestion 25 complete night I Make question Marks question Correlate the economic transformation 1992 2005 and the corresponding name of the Head of Government who carried out this transformation State support of the Fuel and Energy Complex, the creation of system of State Short Term Obligations (GKO), ruble cedenomination square Select Temporary refusal to pay external and internal debts (default) in August 1998 Select. Shock therapy, price liberalization the beginning of privatization State Property SV. Kiriyenko ET Gaidar Which event happened the latest? Select one answer Batus invasion of Russia Unification of Northern and Southern Russia The Baptism of Rus Lyubechsky sezd
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