- The measures of NS Khrushchev's economic policy (19531964) include __ Select one answer Forced industrialization Introduction of self-finanong on industrial Enterprises Development of wrgin and fallow lands Surplus-appropriation Leader of the Socialist Revolutionary Party Select one answer V. Lenin M. A Spiridonova 1.1. Dan V. M. Chemov The federal structure of Russia under the Constitution of 1993 is based on the principle of equality and self-determination of peoples, up to complete secession and free secession from the Russian Federation the state integrity of the Russian Federation non-interference of the center in the internal affairs of the subjects of the Federation,
- Question 21 The entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan contributed to: Select one answer strengthening the international authority of the USSR establishment of military-strategic party USSR and USA the establishment of international détente Tension decline in the international authority of the USSR To NEP measures include the introduction of Select one answer Free transport Food coupons Free utilities Remoneration in cash What were the consequences of the defeat of the German knights on the ice of Lake Peipus? Select one answer The aggression of the German crusader knights to the Russian lands, but Pope Innocent IV began to prepare a crusade against Russia The Crusaders made an alliance with Alexander Nevsky against the Mongol Tatars The Livonian Order collapsed and found itself under the the power of Poland and Denmark The mouth of the Neva River became part of the of the Novgorod land
- Question 16 Question 17 - Marka question Question 18 The peasant commune as a "cell of socialism'was considered by: What consequences did the baptism of Rus lead to? Select one or more answers: To the development of culture education Towards the establishment of the power of the Norman dynasty Rurikoviches To the Intensification of the Rivalry of the Russian Princes for the Law to appoint a metropolitan To the Strengthening of the Power of the Old Russian Princes To the strengthening of the international position of Russia On the Attempts of the Byzantine Emperor by Force to subjugate Russia After of the abdication of Nicholas II in March 1917 in Russia. Select one answer The Provisional Government was established The Bolsheviks came to power General Kornilov tried to seize power The Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets opened
- What has been the new balance of power in the world since the end of World War II? Germany was still a danger to the world there was a shift of the political, military and economic center from Europe to the United States Europe maintained its leading position in the world The Great Patriotic War began Select one answer July 22, 1941 September 1, 1939 June 22, 1941 August 1, 1939 What is the content of the Presidential Decree of September 21, 1993 adopted after the all -Russian referendum? liquidation of the post of the President of Russia, the restoration of the Communist Party,
- The East Slavic tribe of Slovenes lived __ Select one answer: Along the Oka River Along the western bank of the Dnieper River Around Lake llmen Along the Pripyat River
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