- Choose one correct answer 1. THE REQUIREMENT THAT THE BUYER BE INFORMED ABOUT THE SERVICE LIFE (EXPIRATION DATE), IFIT IS SET FOR A SPECIFIC PRODUCT, AS WELLAS ABOUT THE NECESSARY ACTIONS AFTER THE SPECIFIED PERIOD AND POSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES. IF SUCH ACTIONS ARE NOT PERFORMED, IS ESTABLISHED 1)By theLaw of the Russian FederationNo. 2300-1 dated 01. 02.1992 "On Consumer Rights Protection" 2) By Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 11/24/2021 No. 1093n "On approval of the rules for the release of medicines __ 3) Federal Law No. 323-F2 dated 11/21/2011 "On the basics of protecting the health of Citizens in Of the Russian Federation" 2. PHARMACEUTICAL CONSULTING AS ONE OF THE MAIN V FUNCTIONS PHARM IACEUTICAL WORKERS ARE LISTED IN 1) The Law of the Russian Federation dated 07 . 02. 1992 No. 2300-1 "On Consumer Rights Protection" 2) Rules of good pharmacy practice (Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No 647n dated 08/31/2016) 3) Federal Law No. 323-F2 dated 11/21/2011 "On the Basics of Public Health Protection in Of the Russian Federation" 4) Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 11/24/2021 No. 1093n "On approval of vacation rules medicines __ 3. Informing ABOUT the RATIONAL USE of MEDICINES NES for responsible self .treatment as one of THE MAIN FUNCTIONS OF PHARMACEUTICAL WORKERS IS INDICATED IN 1) The Law of the Russian Federation dated 07. 021992 No. 2300-1"On Consumer Protection" 2) Rules of good pharmacy practice (Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 647n datec 108/31/2016) 3)Federal Law No. 323-F2 dated 11/21/2011 "On the Basics of Public Health Protection in the Russian Federa- tion" 4) Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 11/24/2021 No. 1093n "On approval of the rules for the release of medicines __
- Kakoe nonoxetive He EKINOURHO B CeMeñHblir KOReKC PO? a. npwwwwn 206posonsworo comiacis npu BcTynneHM B 6pak MyxKy c. npwwwulum pasencrea cynpyroe d. npwrituen npwopwrenton saupro/co CropoHbl rocyaapcrseHHbX opraHOB MHTepecoB HecoBepueHH M Herpynocnoco6HbIX IbIX UneHOB CeMbM
- 3. Ilpourraire rekcr 2 n ynorpe6ure caexyroune C2OBOCOMETAHIS B HYXHOM Mecre. 1. that makes law subordinate 2. inspired by Soviet models 3. much power remains 4. to attain socialism 5. a new democratic constitution 6. compared with the older systems 7. denigrated and degraded during Until recently, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (the USSR) and some other countries proclaimed that socialism was producing an entirely new form of law, not to be judged by or even (A) This view was said to be the scientific conclusion of a Marxist analysis. The elimination of the USSR as a state was followed by the collapse of the newly build legal system at the end of the 20th century The USSR's peaceful disintegration into 15 sovereign states has provoked much activity in fashioning new structures. Most of the states by now have (B) and are drafting the rest of the legal system. One more example of applying socialist law is China. From its inception in 1949, the People's Republic of China's declared aim was (C). It abrogated all earlier legislation and during the next decade much of the formal law was (D). The legal structure has been partly resurrected, and a legal framework of codes enacted . The Basic Principles of Civil Law contain many provisions that would be familiar to Western jurists . The actual functioning of the system, however, is affected by the persistent attitude (E) to the decisions of central and local political authorities.
- At the shopping centre you find out that your credit card is stolen and the thief has already spent 1,000 You notify the issuer of the card as soon as you discover it is missing. How much will you be responsible to pay? 1000 500 50 None
- A 80-year-old woman was found nearly drowned in her bathroom and was taken to the hospital. Even after providing resuscitation she was apneic and in a coma, the doctor judged that it would be quite difficult for her recover. One day the family showed her doctor a paper on which she'has wrote that she does not want to have a life sustaining treatment if there was not possibility of recovering. Her family also required stopping the treatment. The ethics committee of the hospital was organized and 10 people from different medical fields discussed future treatment. However there were so many different opinions and the committee could not make a decision. Questions Q1. When a person has written their intention in a free style on a paper can it be accepted as a living will? Q2. On what grounds do you think some in the ethics committee are against following out the wishes of the family and patient? Q3. What is the next step for the family? C. In
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