- Vocabulary and grammar exercises Task 3 Match these crimes/offences (1-16) with their definitions (a-p) 1. forgery; 2 treason; 3 fraud: 4 laundering money; 5 handling stolen goods; 6 . murder/homicide 7. mugging 8.drug trafficking 9. rape; 10.arson; 11 blackmail; 12 embezzlement 13. hijacking 14. perjury; 15. bribery 16. insider dealing. a) buying and selling illegal drugs; b) illegally copying money documents, etc.; c) using privileged information about a business for personal profit; d) sending money to a foreign bank so that it cannot be traced; e) taking control of (esp an aircraft)using the threat of force usu.in order to make political demands; f) stealing money that is placed in one's care; g) robbing a person with violence, esp in a public place; h)intentionally setting fire to something; i) unlawfully killing someone; j) a lie told on purpose in a court of law; k) the practice of obtaining money or advantage by threatening to make known unpleasant fa cts about a person or group; 1) being in possession of stolen objects; m) gaining money by deception; n) offering something , especially money, to persuade someone to do something for you; 0) betraying your country or government; p) violent or forced sex. Task 4 . Distribute the following crimes among 3 groups. violence against the person; damaging the good opinion unfairly by saying or writing something bad; dishonestly appropriating the property belonging to another Crimes: theft , shoplifting ,rape,murder , slander , robbery homicide, burglary kidnapping , manslaughter ,house -breaking, libel mugging assault.
- Choose the correct variant: 1. ra3oH lawn law 2. Tuxuu , CHOKOGHbIU quiet path 3. maxeHbe B 9KCTpeMaJIb HbIX yCJIOBHAX to engage extreme ironing
- WHAT IS ONE OF THE M AIN CHA RACTE RISTICS OF MORAL NORMS? T HEY ARE __ Bbl6epute OAMH OTBeT: a. Expressed in public opinion b. Established by the state c. Mandatory for execution d. Consolidated in regulatory legal acts
- The UNESCO Universal Declaration om Bioethics and Human Rights The basic principles of bioethics and Human Rights Article 7 -Persons without the capacity to consent In accordance with domestic law , special protection is to be given to persons who do not have the capacity to consent: a. authorization for research and medical practice should be obtained in accordance with the best interest of the person concerned and in accordance with domestic law .However , the person concerned should be involved to the greatest extent possible in the decision -making process of consent,as well as that of withdrawing consent; b .research should only be carried out for his or her direct health benefit, subject to the authorization and the protective conditions prescribed by law and if there is no research alternative of comparable effectiveness with research participants able to consent.Research which does not have potential direct health benefit should only be undertaken by way of exception . with the utmost restraint, exposing the person only to a minimal risk and minimal burden and,if the research is expected to contribute to the health benefit of other persons in the same category , subject to the conditions prescribed by law and compatible with the protection of the individual's human rights . Refusal of such persons to take part in research should be respected. on .How and for what should authorization be carried out? 02 .How should research be conducted with people who have limited or no opportunity to agree?
- Find the term for the definitions. 1. A wrongful act committed by an individual against another individual's person, property or reputation is a __ 2. A person who commits a tort is a __ 3. In a criminal action the state is represented by the __ 4. The duty to prove that something that has been said true is the __ 5. The injured party can get remedies in two forms; damages and __ 6. Contractual liability is based on the __ between the parties. 7. Tort liability is based on the duty of __ 8. Another word for compensation is __ 9. If a person commits a wrong against you and you do not have a contract with that person, you can sue him in the __ 10. The injured party cannot get damages in a __ court.
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