- Choose the adjectives that can be used to talk about someone's self-esteem . More than one correct answer is possible. Tick the correct answers. Shy Muscular Short Obsessed Confident Handsome
- people say that men and women are different in every aspect . What do you role . A. Some In ma ny prehistoric was to hunt to build and defend their shelters and women to cultures,men sof of children .Throughout history,the gender roles of men and u have changed greatly.Th e industria I and technologi ca revolution s hav decreased the physical ab ility . In dense ly-populated cities there are many iobs which are less phy sically demand ling rights and only domestic tasks.They are becomin g career and education oriented .Women excluded w men. excluded opp rtunities for both sexes Today women for jobs tha tradit The fac t that men and ot of understand each other women enjoy equal rights and opportunities in many societi s does not writers ,psycho logists and scientis ts have stuc lied gender that there is a great abvss between the them. Some people are convince d that me and women are different in every aspect. To emphasize gender differences we sometimes say tha nevery aspect.Mars and women are from Venus'. Most men find women my sterious and illogical .Women complain that men keep most of their emotions Men ar e fond of car s, computer s, sports and fishing,whil e women are carried away b romanc e novels and locked deep within and never say what they reall y feel.Men and wome have different interest s and values. are gluec to the TV when a soap opera is on.Men value power . achievement and competenc lov e, stability.beauty and comfort . It is difficult for men to understand how the opposite sex can be so emotional and talkative At the same time , women can't understand why men are so rese rved and terse often men an women have absolutely different views about housewor k, shopping politics . recreation. hobbies and many other subiects. Men are expected to be practica 1. har d-working.realistic and logical .Women are exp eted to be home oriented.loving.caring.understa nding and emotionallv balanced.Men are supposed to be financia providers and women are supposed to take e care of the household and to nurture and rai Bot and women experie nce their own levels of stress tryir g to live up to the expectations of the ir families But instead of sharing their problems and discontent with each other ,many men and women retrea into themselves and suffer silently fro m the lack of und erstanding 2.We often mistaken ly think that the sex 'want what we want and 'feel the way we feel 1. As a resu It many relationships come to an end and man marriages end up in divorce. What is the secret of a happ relatior ship? It is very important to listen to your partner and to be supportive. You shou ld avoid topics like sports and politics if your opiniol as in these areas are absolutely differ should be able to communicate openly and to forgive each other Both mer I and women should realize that they are each human being s with many of the same desires needs and dreams.We are all aiming for love. success,happiness and prosperity .And we will be able to reach these goals if w e forge t about gender differences and try to discover creative solutions and accept compromises .Love should be based on mutual respect and responsibi lity. Answer the questions. 1) What were men and women's roles in man prehistoric cultures? 2) How have their roles of men and I women changed throughout history? 3) Is it good tha many men have jobs which are less physically demanding and many women have become more career or iented?Why or why not? 4) Why don''t many men and womer understand the opposite sex? 5) What different and same interests and values do men and women have? 6) What role are men women world? 7) Why do many men and women experience stress over relationships? 8) What are some reason s why many rela tionships end and manv marriages end up in divorce? 9) What is the secret of a happy mai a-woman relationship?
- 2. Choose the right emotions. Bbibepure npasMnbHbli oreer u3 npennoxkeHHbix. 1. He was so square Jim His face went brick-red. 2. When he heard that his sister had taken the first prize in the competition, he felt square of her. v 3. He's very square v and always interrupts me mid-sentence. 4. I am so square v about the coming trip that I cannot think of anything 5. My classmate is square about the results of the exams ns. He has to wait for two more days until they are announced.
- Questions 1. Tastes differ. Can you say the same about hobbies? 2. Have you chosen a hobby according to your character and taste? 3. Which hobby groups do you know? 4. The most popular hobby group is doing things, isn't it? What kind of activities does this group include? '5. What do you know about gardening? 6. Do you like computer 'games? 7. Are you fond of making things? 8. Do you know any famous hobbyists? 9. Have you ever collected anything? 10. What can be collected? 11. Do you know of any private collections that were given to museums or art galleries? 12. Do you agree that learning can be the most exciting aspect of a hobby? Why?
- True or False? PAST SIMPL E - My supervisor got excellent grades at college. Bbl6epuTe ofMH OTBeT: BepHo HeBepHo
Помощь по медицинским назначениям
Разве не было бы здорово, если бы существовала электронная клиническая информация и инструменты поддержки принятия решений, которые могли бы помочь врачам быстро находить необходимую информацию, значительно сокращая количество медикаментозных и хирургических ошибок, вызванных неправильным принятием врачами решений? В настоящее время на рынке существует множество приложений для медицинских работников, которые могут вам помочь, и questionsai является естественным выбором из-за его передовых моделей и алгоритмов искусственного интеллекта.
Этот медицинский помощник представляет собой профессиональное медицинское информационное и инструментально-ориентированное клиническое приложение для принятия решений. Цель состоит в том, чтобы уменьшить количество ошибок, допускаемых врачами при назначении лекарств, и улучшить положение первичной медико-санитарной помощи. Он предоставляет две основные услуги: общие медицинские знания и информацию, а также аптечные инструменты преобразования и оценки для организаций первичной медико-санитарной помощи и врачей.