- QUESTION ONE Test construction is an exercise that goes through a series of steps . Identify these steps as they are applied in test preparation (15 marks) Explain any five characteristics of a good instructional objective (5marks) Before administration of an examination paper, it is crucial that the paper is moderated. Discuss this statement. (5 marks) QUESTION TWO Using relevant examples, discuss the different scales used in measurement (15 marks) QUESTION THREE A good test must have specific characteristics, Discuss this statement (15 marks) QUESTION FOUR Explain the reasons why a table of specification:is important when planning for a test (15 marks) QUESTION FIVE Explain the major functions of test in education (15 marks)
- REFLECTION QUESTIONS 1. Which of the four misconceptions has influenced your beliefs about classroom management? 2. In your experience , which of the four misconceptions most frequently influences the way that school or other administrators view effective classroom management? 3. If you accepted a position and later discovered that the school administration had different beliefs from yours about what constitutes effective classroom management how might that affect your practice? 4. Do you believe that academic and social -emotional learning are equally important in the classroom?Does your opinion vary depending on the age of the students involved? 5. How does the model of classroom management presented in the chapter challenge or confirm your prior and experiences about classroom management?
- 2 Effective Classroom Management-The Essentials Finally, many teachers believe that their instruction is their classroom man- agement.In other words, they think that if they just teach a really engaging lesson,their students will be so highly motivated and engaged that they will not have time to misbehave. Again while engaging instruction is undeniably an important component of classroom management, it is not the only one. Developing these misconceptions will likely exacerbate the classroom man- agement problems faced by For example, think about the teacher who believes that engaging instruction is the only component of classroom manage- ment. She will most likely blame the quality of her lessons for any problems rather than trying to understand other possible causes for disruption and, there- fore, will continue to struggle with the same behavioral problems.Similarly, if a teacher believes that an effective management plan relies on rewards and punishments, he may have so many extrinsic reward systems put into place, that he may not have the time necessary to plan engaging lessons and will also continue to struggle. OVERALL GOALS OF CLASSROOM GEMENT The first step to becoming an effective classroom manager is eliminating these common misconceptions and developing an understanding of the overall goals of classroom management . Students preparing to become teachers often think that the goal of classroom management is to keep their class under "control" and maintain a well -behaved classroom It is true that effective classroom man- agers succeed at creating a well -behaved classroom Evertson and Weinstein (2006) nevertheless emphasize that classroom management has two goals: cre- ating an environment for academic learning and creating an environment for ating -emotional learning . Academic learning refers to learning content specified in state content standards (learning to read and write ; learning to reason ; learning science, math,and social studies; and so on). Social-emotiona l learning promotes growth in social skills and the ability to express emotions maturely.Classrooms are well managed only if the teacher has created environments that promote both of these kinds of learning. DEFINITION TOF CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT In order to create an environment conducive to academic and social-emotional learning,it is necessary to develop an understanding of what effective class- room management entails. If classroom management is not exclusively any of the ideas above, what is it?Many educators and researchers have
- CHAPTER 1 __ What Is Classroom Mana gement? Classroom management is consistently identified as an important factor in stu- dent learning (Marzano & Marzano , 2003a). Yet beginning teachers, and even those who are more experienced, often struggle with creating and maintaining a well-managed classroom where students can learn (Jones &Jones, 2012 ). In fact, beginning teachers continually cite classroom management as their pri- mary point of concern (Daniels, 2009 ; Bromfield, 2006 ; Stough, 2006). Despite the importance of classroom management , the majority of teacher education programs still do not require or even offer a course with an explicit focus on classroom management (Stough . 2006). Because of this lack of training, many educators begin (and continue) teaching with numerous misconceptions about what constitutes effective classroom management (Garrett , 2012). Consider your own answer to the following question: What is the first word that comes to your mind when you hear the term classroom management? When teachers are asked this question , they typically answer with words such as control, order,and discipline. The idea that classroom management is mainly about discipline is a misconception held by teachers that can actually interfere with effective teaching In fact, effective managers organize their classrooms so that they avoid most behavior problems and therefore do not have to worry about discipline very often (Brophy, 2006 : Evertson & Weinstein . 2006). While discipline is certainly an important component of classroom management, it is not the only component. In addition, teachers often believe that a well-managed classroom is equiva- lent to an orderly and quiet environment, but the reality is that a productive learning environment can often be noisy because learning is not a passive activ- ity. Learning requires talking, sharing , discovering , experimenting, and ques tioning, all of which can create noise. Next,teachers frequently believe that an effective classroom management plan relies on rewards and punishments and , therefore, is approached in a be- havioristic manner through the implementation of externally controlled incen- tive programs . However, teachers who are effective classroom managers often find little need for a reward-based behavioral incentive program.
- Read the article and write questions for the answers. The psychologist Geert Hofstede believes that people in some cultures think about the future more t questionnaire and he gave it to students from 23 different countries to find out what the students ca discovered that being happy is more important in some cultures, but future happiness is more impor example, East Asians work hard for future goals, but Americans care more about free time. Answer: a questionnaire Your question should be What did Hofstede write? Write your question to the answer: to students Oreer: square (C)
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Разве не было бы здорово, если бы существовала электронная клиническая информация и инструменты поддержки принятия решений, которые могли бы помочь врачам быстро находить необходимую информацию, значительно сокращая количество медикаментозных и хирургических ошибок, вызванных неправильным принятием врачами решений? В настоящее время на рынке существует множество приложений для медицинских работников, которые могут вам помочь, и questionsai является естественным выбором из-за его передовых моделей и алгоритмов искусственного интеллекта.
Этот медицинский помощник представляет собой профессиональное медицинское информационное и инструментально-ориентированное клиническое приложение для принятия решений. Цель состоит в том, чтобы уменьшить количество ошибок, допускаемых врачами при назначении лекарств, и улучшить положение первичной медико-санитарной помощи. Он предоставляет две основные услуги: общие медицинские знания и информацию, а также аптечные инструменты преобразования и оценки для организаций первичной медико-санитарной помощи и врачей.