- vec(a)=cos t, vec(v)_(0) ; vec(r)_(0) ; r(t)-?
- 10. What requirements must the vessel fulfil?Think about the volume, thickness , and rigidity of the wall, the colour and transparency of the walls, the shape of the vessel. 11. Analyse the relative uncertainty (error) of the measurements of y and C_(V) Draw conclusions.
- Defeating the enemy by shooting from various types of weapons, carried out with the task of destroying , suppressing and exhausting the enemy or destroying his objects is called fire . Specify the types of fire: a. fire at a single target, concentrated , barrage, frontal, flank , crossfire b. firing at a single target, concentrated fire from small arms, barrage fire from tanks and artillery., anti-aircraft fire from anti -aircraft weapons c. fire damage to the enemy from automatic weapons, with the use of aviation,
- Questions 1. Heat capacity. The value of capacity at constant volume. 2. The concept of the number of the freedom degrees of a molecule. The adiabatic index and its relation to the number of the degrees of freedom. Mayer's law. Which of the relations written here are correct for ideal gas only? Which of them are fulfilled for a fixed amount of gas? 6. Present in a qualitative manner the processes in the gas occuring at each stage of the experiment on one diagram. Write down corresponding equations. 7. What condition must be met for the transition from the state 1 to state 2 to be an adiabatic process? 8. Why is it recommended waiting a few minutes before reading the pressure gauge? What if you do not follow this rule? 9. Is the ratio of the volumes of the rubber bulb and the vessel important? 10.What requirements must the vessel fulfil?Think about the volume, thickness , and rigidity of the wall, the colour and transparency of the walls, the shape of the vessel. 11. Analyse the relative uncertainty (error) of the measurements of y and C_(V) Draw conclusions.
- Algorithm of measurements 1. Check that the U-shaped manometer is filled with water Open the valve B and wait for 2-3 minutes. Attach the rubber bulb to the Open of the valve B . Pump air into the vessel by a quick squeezing of the bulb and close the valve . Repeat the pumping again so that the liquid level difference hin the manometer reaches 20-40 cm. 2. Wait for the pressure to stabilize due to heat conductivity (usually it takes about 5-6 minutes) and read the value h_(1) 3.Open the valve B and close it after the hissing of escaping air is heard no longer. Wait until the pressure to stabilize. Read h_(3) value. 4.Repeat steps 1-3 at least 8 times. 5. Calculate y using Eq.(212.10) and estimate the uncertainty (error) assuming that this value is the result of direct measurement. 6. Calculate the molar heat capacities of air C_(V) and C_(p) using Eqs. (212.4) and (212.3) Find the number of degrees of freedom for air according to Eq. (212.5). 8. Draw conclusions about the correctness of kinetic theory of gases and quantum concepts about composition of air molecules.
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