- The centrifuge is rotating with the rate n=600min^-1 . What is the normal acceleration of the point of rotor located at the distance r=0.1m from the axis? ykaxute onuH BapuaHT OTBeTa a_(n)=2pi m/s^2 a_(n)=360pi m/s^2 a_(n)=40pi ^2m/s^2 a_(n)=600pi ^2m/s^2
- The viscous liquid flows in a narrow capillary with the radius r_(0) . How many times the volume passing through the capillary in 1 second will change if the radius of capillary increases two times (that is r=2r_(0)) and the pressure difference remains the same? ykaxute OANH BapuaHT OTBeTa V=16V_(0) V=8V_(0) V=2V_(0) V=4V_(0)
- The length of a string is L=0.6m . The speed of travelling I wave on the string is v=12m/s . What is the linear frequency of the fundamental harmonic ; on the string? ykaxute onuH BapuaHT oTBeTa n=10Hz n=20Hz n=36Hz n=7.2Hz
- 2.IIporrewrep camoJIeTa pa)IHycoM R=1,5M Bpantaercst YacTOTOH n=2,1times 10^3MHH^-1 , IIOCa,JOYHas I CKOPOCTE camoJIeTa OTHOCHTeJIbHO 3emJIH paBHa V=161KM/q KaKOBa cKOpOCTE 'TO4KH Hà KoHIIe IIpolleJurepa KakoBa TpaeKTopHS ( )IBHzKeHHA 3TOH TO YKH?
- The centrifuge is rotating with the rate n=600min^-1 . What is the normal acceleration of the point of rotor located at the distance r=0.1m from the axis? ykaxute OnuH BapuaHT oTBeTa a_(n)=2pi m/s^2 a_(n)=360pi m/s^2 a_(n)=40pi ^2m/s^2 a_(n)=600pi ^2m/s^2
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