- 6. Qu'est-ce que le MDS? 7. Causes des courants de Foucault et moyens de les combattre. 8. Comment s 'appelle un circuit magnétique?Paramètres de base des circuits magnétiques. 9. Classificatior des matériaux selon leurs propriétés magnétiques . Classification ides ferromagnétiques.
- 1. L'essence du phénomène d'induction électromagnétique. 2. L'essence physique du phénomène d'auto -induction. 3. L'essence physique du phénomène d'induction mutuelle. 4. Qu'est-ce qu'on appelle inductance? 5. Formule pour I'EMF d'auto -induction.
- The transformer is a device for changing the electric current from one voltage to another. As a matter of me. it is used for increasing or decreasing voltage A simple transformer is a kind of induction coil It is well known that in its usual form it has no moving parts. On the whole, it requires very little maintenance provided it is not misused and is not damaged by lightning. We may say that the principal parts of a transformer are two windings, that is coils and an iron core. They call the coil, which is supplied with current, the "primary winding ", or just "primary", for short. The winding from which they take the current is referred to as the "secondary winding" or "secondary", for short. It is not new to you that the former is connected to the source of supply, the latter being connected to the load. When the number of turns of wire on the secondary is the same as the number on the primary, the secondary voltage is the same as the primary and we get what is called a "one -to-one" transformer. In case, however, the number of turns on the secondary winding is greater than those on the primary, the output voltage is larger than the input voltage and the transformer is called transformer. On the other hand, the secondary turns being fewer in number than the primary, the transformer is known as a "step-down" transformer. The transformer operates equally well to increase the voltage and to reduce it.By the way, the above process needs a negligible quantity of power.It is important to point out that the device under consideration will not work on d.c. but it is rather often employed in direct current circuits. 1. What is a transformer? 2. What is a transformer used for? 3. Are there any moving parts in a transformer? 4.Can a transformer be damaged by lightning? 5.What are the principal parts of a transformer? 6.How many windings are there in a transformer? 7. What winding is connected to a load?
- Task 7. Agree or disagree with the statements 1. Industrial fires and explosions are easily contained. 2. The dust cloud can't ignite by.itself. 3. Combustible dust is one the most common causes of industrial fires and explosions 4. Combustible dust causes only material damage. 5. Only chemical manufacturing , woodworking, metalworking , and pharmaceuticals have the risks of combustible dust fires and explosions. 6. Materials in dust form are potentially combustible. 7. The ignition source is the key ingredient in combustible dust fires and explosions.
- 1. Toyka Bpamaerca no oxpyxHoCTH pazmyca R cornacto ypasHeHMIO varphi =At^3+Bt^2+Ct rhe A=7pan/c^3,B=8par/c^2,C=4par/c HopMaJIbHOe yckopeHHe TOYKH a_(n) omperencerca BblpaxeHMeM __ I (42t+16)^2cdot R 2 (7t^3+8t^2+4t)cdot R 3 (21t^2+16t+4)cdot R^2 4 (42t+16)^2/R 5 (21t^2+16t+4)^2cdot R 2. Ha Bair panuyca 10 CM HaMOTaHa HHTS , KOHLLY KOTOPOH rrpHBA3aHa rupa. Onyckascb paBHOyCKOpeHHO, THPA mpom,7a paccrosHHe 5 CM 3a 2 c. TaHreHUHaJbHOe TO4KH, nexameZ Hà nosepxHOCTH Bana paBHO __ cM/c^2 1.25 2. 0,5 3.5 4. 2,5 5.3.5
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