- 1. HBwxerca nu aBTOMO6WIIE ecnu cwna F TATM paBHa 0,6 KH, cwna . F -300H cuna F conpornBneHN?Bo3Ayxa -100H (cnenaTb puc)? HaviTu paBHOLICTBYHOLLYK cwi. 1) 800 H Ha 2)800 H HeT, CTOMT Ha MecTe 3) 200H HeT , pa3rounerca 4)200H HeT, TOpMO3NT 2. KaKoBa cuna TAXKeCTU CBMHLOBbIU Luap 06béMOM 100cm^3 BenuuuHa g=10H/Kr . ThoTHOCTb CBMHUG paBHa 11300Kr/M^3 3. Oripegenure n3 rpaçpuka XéCTKOCTb npyxuhbl. 3anucarb AaHHble n opopMuTb 3aAauy 4^ast HayanbHan junuHa He RecpopMypoBaHHON npyxuHbl 15 cM,, M'éCTKOCTb -20H/M Kakovi 6ygeT AnnHa ripyxuHbl, ecnu ee pacTRHYT b CWION 0,6H? 5.770e3A npoexan 15 KM CO CKOpOCTbHO 50m/c . Havi Tu BpeMa ABuYKeHuA.
- Dono: 1) [ E_(x)=2000 Omega x_(t)=2 mu=0,002 v-? ]
- 2) Clano [ ( Enot )=2000 mathrm(Dn) m=20 mathrm(z)=0.02 mathrm(~m) h-? ]
- Matter is delined as any substance which has mass (or weight) and occupies space This definition should be broad enough to cover all physical objects in the universe Wood, water, iron, and paper are some examples of matter Energy is closely related to, but not to be confused with, matter Energy does not have mass and it does not occupy space. Heat and light are examples of energy.The smallest particle of matter which can be recognized as an original substance was thought to be a unit called the atom.Recently scientists have found particles even smaller than atoms, but our theories are still based on the atom The atom consists of a nucleus and a cloud of electrons. It is generally agreed that the electrons are small particles of electricity. which are negative in nature. These particles orbit the mucleus in much the same fashion that planets orbit a sun. Task 2. Answer the questions; use the information from the text: 1) Give the definition of matter. 2) Is energy related to matter? What is the difference between matter and energy? 3) What is the smallest particle of matter? 4) What parts does an atom consist of? 5) Are the electrons negative or positive in nature?
- Task 1. Read the text and give the title: Matter is defined as any substance which has mass (or weight)and occupies soace.This definition should be broad enough to cover all physical objects in the universe. Wood water. iron, and paper are some examples of matter.Energy is closely related to, but not to be confused with, matter. Energy does not have mass and it does not occupy space. Heat and light are examples of energy. The smallest particle of matter which can be recognized as an original substance was thought to be a unit called the atom. Recently scientists have found particles even smaller than atoms, but our theories are still based on the atom The atom consists of a nucleus and a cloud of electrons. It is generally agreed that the electrons are small particles of electricity. which are negative in nature. These particles orbit the nucleus in much the same fashion that planets orbit a sun.
Помощь с домашним заданием по физике
Физика — очень важный предмет среди всех естественных дисциплин, используемый для объяснения чудес жизни, а также один из самых сложных предметов для изучения.
ВопросAI — это богатое и простое средство решения физических задач для начинающих физиков, с помощью которого вы можете узнать о каждом атоме и его свойствах, а также о сопутствующих траекториях молекул под действием взаимодействующих сил. Конечно, вы также можете исследовать тайны, скрытые между галактиками, вместе с другими любителями физики. Смело задавайте ИИ свои предположения и вопросы, и вы легко найдете авторитетные ответы.