- Math ematical processing of experimental data 01:23 : 2 The formula for calculating the electrical resistance is presented in the form: R=U/I U is the measured voltage in the circuit, I is the magnitude of the electric current. Indicate what type of meas urements each of them belongs to? R is square U is square I is square
- In the courae of the experiment, the properties of the material of a some body were investigated, as a result of which the average dengity and ite absolute error were obtained bar (rho )=1.90g/cm^3 Delta bar (rho )=0.0542ldots g/cm^3 Please select the correct record of the final result of this experiment rho =(1.90pm 0.05)g/cm^3 rho =1.9pm 0.05 rho =(2.0pm 0.1)g/cm rho =1.9pm 1.0 rho =(1.9pm 0.0542)g/cm^3 rho =1.90pm 0.05
- How to eliminate systematic errors? to measure the parameter with another similar device it is nece ssary to measure the investigated parameter several times with the same device before the experiment . it is necessary to check the used device in a specialized laboratory involve a colleague to take measur ements
- How to eliminate systematic errors? to measure the investigated parameter with another similar device it is necessary to measure the parameter several times with the sam e device before the experiment ,it is necessary to check the used device in a specialized laboratory involve a colleague to take mea sure ments
- 1. B cocyge 06 bemom V=0,3n npn TeMneparype T=290K HaxoguTCA HekoTopblu ra3 . Ha CKO/IbKO noHu3uTCA AaBneHue ra3a B cocyge, ecnu u3 Hero u3- 3a yTe4KM BblNAeT N=10^19 Monekyn?
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